
North America

Jeff McCurry, Harambe’s friend

The excellent photographs that Jeff McCurry has taken of nature and its living beings are extraordinary and his existence is full of that wonderful contact with Mother Earth, showing us in all its splendour, the colourfulness of life. His sensitivity…

#NoWar2023 Virtual Global Conference: Nonviolent Resistance To Militarism Start

Throughout three days of virtual panels, training, and discussion sessions, #NoWar2023 will make the case for the efficacy of nonviolent resistance as a tool for conflict resolution, highlighting case studies from around the world of unarmed civilian based defense against…

August 8: Peace Gathering in front of the Japanese Consulate in NYC

On Tuesday, August 8th,  to honor the memory of those who lost their lives to the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a coalition of citizens and peace activists gathered in front of the Japan Consulate General to drop an…

An Open Letter to the People of Japan from Concerned Peace and Civil Society Organizations of the United States

—In observance of the 78th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Japan— We, the undersigned, representing a coalition of concerned peace and civil society organizations in the United States, are advocating for the elimination of nuclear weapons globally. We join…

New York Needs to Triple Its Renewable Energy Capacity to Meet 2030 Goals, Report Finds

According to a new report from New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, New York needs to increase its renewable energy capacity by 20 gigawatts by the end of the decade to meet the state goal of 70% electricity from renewable resources by…

Today: August 6 at worldwide Humanity For Peace Rallies

FLAGSHIP HUMANITY FOR PEACE DEMONSTRATION IN NYC Sunday, August 6, 2023, 1:00 pm – 4:00 PM Location: Hammarskjold Plaza, East 47th street & 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10017 The tensions and conflicts that are occurring between the dying Western…

Protesters Mark Hiroshima Anniversary at the Intrepid by Demanding Nuclear Abolition

Sunday, August 6, 2023, marks the 78th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima, an event more in the news this year because of the release of Oppenheimer. While the history of the dawn of the nuclear age is…

The Most Dangerous Person on Earth

A Living Synthesis Victoria Nuland, who is the current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States, is a living synthesis of everything that has gone horribly wrong with US foreign policy over the course of the…

Mexican state ordered to immediately suspend the Maya Train

In its verdict, the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature condemned the Mexican state to the definitive suspension of the Mayan Train with all its components, as well as the demilitarisation of indigenous territories, for the violations of the…

August 5th: Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Refelction

On the 78th anniversary of the dawn of the nuclear age and the ongoing danger of nuclear weapons. August 5th, 11am – 4pm 1170 NY-213, Esopus/Kingston, NY 12401 Screening: Appreciation—The Tomiko Morimoto West Story (trailer), a 20-minute film about a survivor…

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