
North America

Protest Disrupts Opening of North America’s Largest Weapons Fair

Over a hundred people have disrupted the opening of CANSEC, North America’s largest military weapons convention in Ottawa, where 10,000 attendees were expected to gather. Activists carrying 50 foot banners saying “Stop Profiting from War,” “Arms Dealers Not Welcome” and…

Memorial Day Shooting: gun deaths in US rising awfully

Gun violence has once again afflicted the US in several states. More than 17 people were gunned down and dozens injured in a spate during Memorial Day weekend. Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, and New Mexico were among the eight cities where…

International Solidarity with the Zapatista Community Moisés Gandhi

National and international statement in response to the aggression against the community of Moses Gandhi To the peoples of Mexico and the world  To the individuals, collectivities and peoples who defend Life  To those who feel the urgency to act…

The economic roots of the war in Ukraine

What are the real reasons for this conflict? Is it the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO and, more broadly, the fact that NATO has expanded to include 14 new countries since the end of the Cold War (from 16 to…

Supremes Declare War on Wetlands

The Supreme Court is effectively axing a major component of the Clean Water Act, rolling back 50 years of wetland protection in a declaration of war against nature by changing a word in the text of the Clean Water Act.…

Memorial Day by a Vietnam War veteran.

Perhaps some may find what I will argue below as disrespectful, especially coming from a veteran who participated and lost comrades in the American War in Vietnam. But it must be said. How Memorial Day is currently observed does not,…

Bees Can Learn, Remember, Think and Make Decisions – Here’s a Look at How They Navigate the World

As trees and flowers blossom in spring, bees emerge from their winter nests and burrows. For many species, it’s time to mate, and some will start new solitary nests or colonies. Bees and other pollinators are essential to human society. They…

Our Times Call for Managing Complexities, Not Solving Problems

How Paicines Ranch in California works to bring business and investment up to date with our times and closer to nature—prioritizing ecosystem health, habitat, and the sequestration of carbon through soil practices. At first the ground squirrels felt like the…

Join NYC Veterans For Peace Memorial Day Observance

“From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice.” —Julia Ward Howe Memorial Day Remembering All Whose Lives Were Taken by War Sunday,…

The Atmosphere is Cooling Dangerously Fast

The upper atmosphere is cooling too fast for comfort. Global warming is only one-half of the impact of excessive CO2 emissions generated by cars, planes, trains, and industry. The other impact is rapid cooling of the upper atmosphere which may…

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