
North America

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence: a humanist proposal

The World March aims to generate consciousness of the dangerous global situation in which we are living, a situation marked by the heightened probability of nuclear conflict, a renewed arms race, and the violent military occupation of foreign territories. It’s a proposal for an unprecedented mobilization, advanced by the Humanist Movement through one of its organizations, World Without Wars

Pentagon Memo: Drop “War on Terror”

The Obama administration prefers to avoid using the term ‘Long War’ or ‘Global War on Terror.’

Obama’s Coalition of the Unwilling

Forty one nations contribute with troops to conform the presence of 56.000 OTAN forces in Afghanistan. The occupation is already eight years old and in many countries of the OTAN it incites less support with every day that goes by.

Michael Moore Invites Wall Street Executives to Play a Part in Movie about Financial Fraud

Movie director is calling on those who work in the United States financial industry to reveal the abuses that led to the global financial crisis

New Opportunities for Nuclear Disarmament

In spite of the obstacles that need to be overcome, new possibilities for nuclear disarmament are appearing on the horizon.

Obama Initiative an Important Signal to the World

Obama´s administration will present a plan to Russia calling for an 80% reduction in each country’s stockpile of nuclear weapons

Facing the Unthinkable Nuclear Danger

As President-Elect Obama takes office this week, he faces a long list of enormous challenges. Nuclear disarmament is far from the top of the agenda. It should be number 1.

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