
North America

‘The Comeback Kid’ and the Kids Who Won’t

President Barack Obama signed a slew of bills into law during the lame-duck session of Congress, and was dubbed the “Comeback Kid” amid a flurry of fawning press reports.
In the hail of this surprise bipartisanship, though, the one issue over which Democrats and Republicans always agree, war, was completely ignored.

Cancun, Climate Change and WikiLeaks

Critical negotiations are under way here in Cancun, under the auspices of the United Nations, to reverse human-induced global warming. This is the first major meeting since the failed Copenhagen summit last year, and it is happening at the end of the hottest decade on record. While the stakes are high, expectations are low, … read more.

Avaaz campaign for WikiLeaks

The massive campaign of intimidation against WikiLeaks is sending a chill through free press advocates everywhere.

Legal experts say WikiLeaks has likely broken no laws. Yet top US politicians have called it a terrorist group and commentators have urged assassination of its staff. Avaaz is organizing a massive campaign to defend Wikileaks.

WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Secret U.S. Diplomatic Cables

The United States is facing a diplomatic crisis as the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks has begun releasing today over 250,000 secret diplomatic cables. The cables have already proved embarrassing to numerous world leaders. The cables show the Saudi king Abdullah has repeatedly urged the United States of America to attack Iran.

U.N. Cancun Climate Change Conference Opens

Thousands of delegates, scientists and activists are gathering today in Cancun, Mexico, for the start of a two-week United Nations Climate Change Conference. A new scientific report being issued on the occasion reveals that up to a billion people from different nations could lose their homes in the next 90 years due to climate change.

World braces for WikiLeaks flood of US cables

The whistle-blower website WikiLeaks was reportedly hours away from releasing millions of confidential US diplomatic cables on Sunday as governments braced for the potential fallout.

Top US officials have raced to contain the damage in recent days by warning foreign ministries in more than a dozen countries, including key allies Australia, Britain, Canada, Israel and Turkey.

2010 YMCA Peace Prize

In an official ceremony held earlier today, The YMCAs of Québec awarded the 2010 Peace Medals to five recipients during the 24th edition of this prestigious event. The Peace Medal serves as the only honor in the country that celebrates the work of exceptional individuals or groups who promote peace within their community or around the world.

U.S. Election note: Throwing the bums out

The recent U.S. mid-term elections followed a familiar mechanic; deep discontent driven by real problems like unemployment drove a voter “revolt” against incumbents (mostly Democratic) handing control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans. This type of voter sentiment is often summed up in the phrase “throw the bums out.”

1.3 Million New Yorkers will be Silent on Election Day

On this chilly morning of the day before midterm elections, the supporters of the New York Coalition to Expand Voting Rights, a group working to change New York City law to give all documented residents the right to vote in municipal elections, gathered in front of the Board of Elections on Broadway in lower Manhattan.

Right-wing attacks to public media

Today Action Alert mentions Sarah Palin’s attacks to public broadcasting and the campaign that is growing in order to tell North American Congress to stand up for NPR and public broadcasting.
Here we reproduce the information about it and call the medias and journalists receiving Pressenza’s articles to give diffusion to this campaign.

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