
North America

Refusing to be Enemies

Palestinian and Israeli Nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation

The author Maxime Kaufman-Lacusta visited Montreal on May 16th to launch her new book “Refusing to be Enemies”. Kaufman-Lacusta is optimistic regarding the future of Palestinian nonviolence movement. The book is about diverse strategies used by different organizations to struggle against the occupation.

Why Mideast Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone is Critical

By Randy Rydell*

The world is filled with many serious problems that must be addressed — poverty; racism; illiteracy; contagious diseases; terrorism; injustice; to name only a few.

So why should we bother to focus on nuclear weapons? And why specifically should anybody approach this subject in a Middle East context?

UN Holds Out Fresh Hope for Indigenous Peoples

In a landmark step towards lifting more than 370 million indigenous peoples in 90 countries accounting for 15 per cent of the world’s poor out of extreme poverty, 4 UN entities have launched a new initiative to be known as the UN Indigenous Peoples’ Partnership (UNIPP).
It will promote and protect the rights of indigenous peoples, aspiring to strengthen their institutions.

Amid Turmoil, a Nuke-Free Middle East May Be in Jeopardy

A proposed international conference regarding a nuclear weapons-free Middle East, tentatively scheduled for year 2012, may be in jeopardy amid the growing political turmoil sweeping across the Arab world – and Israel’s fears of negative fallout on its own security.

By Thalif Deen
Nuclear Abolition News | IPS |

Nuclear energy – uncontrollable in time and space

Abolition 2000 message on the nuclear crisis in Japan and around the world. “In solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of victims and survivors of the nuclear energy and weapons industries we call for an end to nuclear energy and weapons – the human and environmental impact of both being uncontrollable in time and space.”

Earth Day Special: Vandana Shiva and Maude Barlow on the Rights of Mother Earth

During this week the United Nations General Assembly discussed international standards that grant nature equal rights to humans. Similar protocols have been adopted by over a dozen U.S. municipalities, as well as Bolivia and Ecuador. Renowned environmentalists Maude Barlow and Vandana Shiva join us for this interview.

Choose Renewable Energy Over Nuclear Power: Nobel Peace Laureates to World Leaders

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster – and 6 weeks after the devastating disaster in Japan – 9 Nobel Peace Laureates call upon world leaders to invest in safer forms of renewable energy by sending an open letter to 31 heads of state whose countries are currently heavily invested in nuclear power production, or are considering investing in nuclear power.

U.S. Nuclear Plants Confronted 14 Serious Failures in 2010

A report authored by the prestigious Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) reveals that in year 2010 nuclear plants in the United States experienced at least 14 “near misses”, serious failures in which safety was jeopardized, at least in part, due to lapses in oversight and enforcement by U.S. nuclear safety regulators.

By J Chandler

Protesting war abroad and austerity at home

As many as 10,000 people gathered in New York City’s Union Square on April 9 to make the connection between militarism abroad and austerity at home–and renew the antiwar movement’s demand to bring U.S. troops home now. Across the country, some 1,500 people rallied the next day in San Francisco in a sister demonstration.

Back to the Streets

On April 9th in NYC and 10th in San Francisco, human rights, civil rights, and workers rights leaders and advocates – religious and secular – Jewish, Muslim, Christian, humanist – are linking arms in solidarity and common commitment with antiwar activists to take to the streets in the face of what Dr. King once called an “unfolding conundrum”.

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