
North America

The Camp is the World: Connecting the Occupy Movements and the Spanish May 15 Movements

We write this letter as participants in the movements, and as an invitation to a conversation. We hope to raise questions about how
we continue to
deepen and transform the new social relationships and processes
we have begun… to open the discussion
a common horizon.

By Luis Moreno-­Caballud and Marina Sitrin

Six in 10 Women Suffer Physical and/or Sexual Violence

New York – Six in 10 women have suffered physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, a majority from their husbands or partners.

March from Occupy Wall Street Arrives in Washington DC Today

Occupy Wall Street initiative called ‘Occupy the Highway’ arrives in Washington DC, having marched from NYC. Two weeks ago, OWS participants in Manhattan embarked on the epic journey. Their goals were to make the new movement visible in more communities, to connect with other occupations along the way, and to further a national dialogue about how to reclaim our democracy.

Statement from Occupy Toronto

Statement from the occupy Toronto, the Ontario Court of Justice has respectfully ask the movment to disassemble the camp and Police have made their first arrest after moving in early Wednesday morning to enforce the eviction order.

Occupy: Evolution!
Statement to the City of Toronto: Please acknowledge that this release is a partial reiteration of a previous statement

Occupy Harvard. Students Protest Class by Economics Professor by Staging Walkout

The Occupy movement continues to expand its influence and develop awareness in different fronts. Harvard Economics students decide to raise the issue of what kind of models are taught and what has been the influence of such models in the creation of the present international crisis. Professor teaches “Neo-Kensyan”(!?) doctrine but students describe it as neo-liberal

The YMCAs of Quebec’s 2011 Peace Medals

The YMCAs of Québec is pleased to announce today the winners of the 25th edition of the Peace Medals.

In an emotion-filled ceremony held this afternoon at the Hyatt Regency hotel in Complexe Desjardins, at Montreal, all of the finalists who work to promote peace locally, nationally, and internationally were gathered.

Thousands begin to occupy gates of Fort Benning to demand closure of the School of the Americas

Joined by actor Martin Sheen, people from across the Americas call for an end to US military training school.

Music fills the air and the atmosphere crackles with excitement as people from around the U.S. and across the Americas pour onto Fort Benning Road, the main entrance to the military base and the home of the US Army School of the Americas.

Arundhati Roy speaks in New York in support of the Occupy movement

Impassioned critic of neo-imperialism, military occupations, and violent models of economic ‘development’, Arundhati Roy speaks at the People’s University in Washington Square, New York during the Student Week of Action in support of #Occupy. As this young movement continues to inspire the inspiring more voices converge from all corners of the world demanding change

World Bank and Giant Corporations Allied to Privatize Water Worldwide

The World Bank has launched a new partnership with global corporations including Nestlé, Coca-Cola and Veolia. Housed at the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC), the new venture aspires to “transform the water sector” by inserting the corporate sector into what has historically been a public service.

Report: Forced Eviction Takes “Occupy” Into Its Next Phase

New York – Liberty Plaza (or Park or Square) looks an awful lot like Zuccotti Park again—aside from the damaged flower beds and a broken plastic peace sign lying in the gutter. At 1 in the morning, hundreds of police in riot gear stormed the plaza, shining floodlights and tearing down tents.

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