
North America

Making Worlds: An Occupy Wall Street Forum on The Commons

From February 16th to the 18th, the Empowerment and
Education working group of Occupy Wall Street organized a forum to reflect
on the direction and aims of the Occupy movement and articulate strategies for the
movement’s future. The forum occurred at the Church of the Ascension at
122 Java Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and was open to the public.

Now the UN General Assembly Discusses Situation in Syria

New York, 13 February – The UN General Assembly began meeting on 13 Feb. to discuss the situation inside Syria, where thousands of people have been killed as a result of the Government’s ongoing crackdown against a pro-democracy uprising.

World Youth: No Jobs, No Education; Big Frustration, Scare

New York – A lack of job opportunities, inadequate education, vulnerable working conditions and insufficient government investment are some of the main concerns of young people around the world, according to a United Nations report on youth published yesterday.

Censored, prosecuted and on terror list, filmmaker denied First Amendment rights

Filmmaker and environmentalist Josh Fox is to appear in court on 15 February on a charge of “unlawful entry” following his arrest in Congress on 1 February, when he was prevented from filming a hearing of the House Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment on the grounds that he lacked press credentials.

Russia, China veto resolution on Syria

Russia and China vetoed on Saturday a draft resolution on the crisis in Syria led by the Western powers who advocate regime change in that country. The resolution was approved by the other 13 members of the body (United States, France, Britain, Germany, Portugal, India, Colombia, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan, South Africa, Togo and Azerbaijan).

Occupyface art visual for Occupy movement

Occupyface art by Paul-Felix Montez, a new face on the arts scene, providing a visual message for the Occupy movement world wide protestors. The proposal sees a 40-foot tall sculpture monument based on the artist’s art work designs. First, a half scale mock up is to be constructed and brought to downtown Manhattan for exhibition in 2012.

One million dead

The deaths caused by the U.S. in Iraq are “untold” by the media, writes Danny Lucia.

Over a million Iraqis are dead from America’s war.

That sentence is a cognitive litmus test. Some people’s immediate reaction is, “That can’t be right,” because the United States couldn’t do that. Or because crimes on that scale don’t still happen.

“U.S. to Ensure Accountability for Serious Violations, Torture”

Geneva – The UN human rights chief spoke out against “the failure by the United States to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and to ensure accountability for serious violations – including torture – that took place there.”

Obama’s late payment to mortage-fraud victims

In his State of the Union address, many heard echoes of the Barack Obama of old, the presidential aspirant of 2007 and 2008. Among the populist pledges rolled out in the speech was tough talk against the too-big-to-fail banks that have funded his campaigns and for whom many of his key advisers have worked: “The rest of us are not bailing you out ever again,” he promised.

IMF Seeks Asia’s Help to Tackle Eurocrisis

When an international commission headed by Willy Brandt drew attention to global economic interdependence in its report in 1980, the world was divided between rich North and poor South. More than 3 decades later, the IMF is asking what were until recently developing countries to help stave off the European financial crisis resulting in the global economy sinking like Titanic

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