
North America

Three grenade attacks on newspapers in one day, post-election tension continues

Armed attacks on [news media](,42207.html) are relatively common in northern Mexico, but the region saw three grenade attacks on newspaper buildings in a single day yesterday and in one case shots were also fired at the building’s facade.

Video : social movement in Quebec versus social control

The video present somes issue discussed at the city hall last the spring. The municipal regulation has similar effect on civil rights than the outrageous Bill 78 that the Québec Government passed in May. The municipal regulation is now applied by the montreal police forces whenever there is an «illegal protest» to avoid dealing with the unpopular bill 78.

U.N. Calls for Tax on Wealthy to Aid World’s Poor

The United Nations is calling for a number of new taxes in a bid to help aid the world’s poor. In a new report, the World Economic and Social Survey calls for proposals including taxes on carbon emissions, financial transactions, and on the world’s billionaires. Robert Vos of the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs unveiled the report.

Dangerous Expansion of State Powers to Detain, Prosecute… In the Name of Counterterrorism

More than 140 countries have passed counterterrorism laws since the attacks of September 11, 2001, often with little regard for due process and other basic rights, Human Rights Watch said in a new report.
The 112-page report, “In the Name of Security: Counterterrorism Laws Worldwide since September 11,” says that while terrorist attacks have caused thousands (read more)…

Final Declaration of the People’s Summit in Rio +20

The final document of the Summit of the peoples summarizes the main points discussed during plenary sessions and meetings, as well as express the intense mobilization that occurred during this period that point of convergence around the structural causes and false solutions, solutions to the crises facing the people, as well as the main axes of struggle for the next period.

Parliaments Step up Action for a new approach to achieve a Nuclear Weapons-Free World

The global campaign against nuclear weapons has picked up steam recently through a shift in approach from its previous emphasis on challenging the nuclear weapon states (NWS) towards a greater focus on empowering the non-NWS to implement their right to a nuclear weapons-free world.

This was advanced in the 2010 NPT Review Conference agreement.

Video Pot and Pans : Grand Prix F1 in Montreal

A group of activists protesting capitalism in general and Quebec’s tuition hikes in particular – tried to walk on Crescent Street with «Pot and Pan» on the Montreal street most closely associated with Canadian Grand Prix but police and security guard stop them. Thousands of Formula One fans flock to Crescent St. for the expensive cars, the fee swag and the popular nightclubs.

Wisconsin Embraces Fascism

Under the sub-head Aspiring, Sticky-Sweet Authoritarian Dictator Remains Firmly in Power, Dr. Glen Barry (usually only speaking out on environmental topics), wrote on the situation as he finds it in this currently in-the-news north American city and state in a personal essay. Can be viewed at:

Law 78: An Explanation

Faced with a crisis surrounding the uproar against the Quebec Government, started by the planned hike in tuition fees, the government has chosen to take the most cowardly and irresponsible route possible: it chose to push through a special law to to take away the rights of all citizens–not just students–to demonstrate.

Request for Nullification: law 78

On May 25th at around 11:30 a lawsuit was submitted to the Superior Court by the FEUQ and the FECQ to enable students to receive instruction from the institutions they attend, or the special law, deemed null and void immediately. This action is a temporary measure to avoid irreperable damages while the case is brought through the standard legal venues.

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