
North America

Quebec Gov’t Cancels Tuition Hike That Sparked Mass Protests

In the Canadian province of Quebec, the new government has canceled a tuition hike that sparked mass protests earlier this year. New Quebec Premier Pauline Marois fulfilled a campaign promise less than 24 hours after the new government came to…

We are defined by what we choose to celebrate — We should not celebrate nuclear weapons

In a late night debate on the House Floor, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) strongly objected to H.R. 5987, which will establish a new National Park celebrating the technological achievements of the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a secret endeavor…

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis: Deal Ending Strike a Victory for Education

Chicago public school teachers are returning to the classroom today nine days after launching their first strike in a quarter century. On Tuesday, 800 delegates of the Chicago Teachers Union voted overwhelmingly to suspend the strike to put an agreement…

Over 150 Arrests as Occupy Wall Street Marks 1st Anniversary

The Occupy Wall Street movement celebrated its one-year anniversary on Monday with actions in New York City and other cities across the country. In Manhattan, protesters tried to block access to the New York Stock Exchange by erecting a “People’s…

Mayor Rahm-Ney’s Attack on the Chicago Teachers Union

Unions are under attack in the United States—not only from people like Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, but now, with the teachers strike in Chicago, from the very core of President Barack Obama’s inner circle, his former chief of staff…

Arrives to U.S. city of Chicago Mexican Caravan for Peace

Entering its fourth week for more than two dozen U.S. cities, the Caravan for Peace, led by poet Javier Sicilia, arrived today in Chicago with its message of curbing violence that corrodes Mexico. The group includes, among others, relatives of…

RUN THIS WAY: anti-bullying race raises funds, awareness

by JANICE BURDON as appeared in Hudson Gazette The more attention we give to socially unacceptable behaviour like bullying, the more we create awareness. This awareness, in the long run, will hopefully bring about a change in attitude. When I went…

2,000 gather in New York for a Vigil Organized By The Sikh Community

Yesterday night, New Yorkers mobilized themselves beyond expectation, with more than 2,000 people from diverse communities, gathering for an interfaith vigil in Union Square. The effort, supported by various religious leaders, was part of a nationally coordinated remembrance of the…

“We Represent the 99 Percent”

Dr. Jill Stein’s Green Party vice-presidential running mate, Cheri Honkala, is a single mother who has firsthand experience with homelessness. In 2011, she ran as the Green Party candidate for sheriff of Philadelphia on a platform of ending foreclosures and halting evictions. “Large sections of the population are just sitting out….”

Chomsky on Palestine: “A no-state solution is the only hope for the refugees, to remove the boundaries.”

“The situation in Israel and Palestine is very simple,” said Noam Chomsky during a meeting with Tomas Hirsch, Humanist and Former Chilean Presidential Candidate. According to Chomsky, the real problem is Washington. Israel could not do what it is doing today unless it had the support of the US and it has been that way for over 35 years.

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