
North America

A Crisis Foretold: Studies Warned New York Infrastructure Critically Threatened by Climate Change

The massive damage Superstorm Sandy has caused to New York City and its infrastructure has not come as a surprise to everyone. We’re joined by Cynthia Rosenzweig, co-chair of the New York City Panel on Climate Change, who says the…

U.S. elections: what a pity!

Coming back from having observed the elections in Venezuela just a few weeks ago, the presidential campaign in the United States looks flat and artificial by comparison. An expected 90 million people will not go to the polling booths this time around. The challenges expressed by…

Aftermath Hurricane Sandy

The deployment recovery efforts are in full operation after the passage of Hurricane Sandy with 12 States (CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, VA, VT) in a federally-declared state of emergency. More than 8 million people are without…

Nuclear Plants from Virginia to Vermont Could Be Impacted from Massive Hurricane Sandy

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has acknowledged the massive Sandy storm could impact both coastal and inland nuclear power plants. At least 16 reactors are in the storm’s projected path, including North Anna and Surry in Virginia; Calvert Cliffs in Maryland;…

Unoccupy Wal-Mart says Occupy Tampa

At Wednesdays’ General Assembly members of Occupy Tampa, concerned citizens and Local Wal-Mart Associates met with Representatives from OUR Wal-Mart. We heard heartbreaking stories of people from all across the nation and even the world about the daily struggles that…

Exclusive: As Obama and Romney Agree on Afghan War, Israel and Syria, Third Parties Give Alternative

In the last of our exclusive “Expanding the Debate” series, we bring you highlights of our coverage of last night’s final presidential debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney, with the added voices of third-party candidates. As Obama and Romney…

Clinton takes blame for handling of Libya attack

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told CNN that she will take the blame for any shortcomings in the handling of an attack last month on the US mission in the Libyan city of Benghazi. “I take responsibility,” she said, according…

Somerville for Peace Here the video of Somerville’s Honkfest Parade with more than 700 musicians activists gathered for Peace. A production of Olivier D. Asselin  

“Harvest of Empire”: New Film Recounts How U.S. Intervention Caused Mass Latin American Migrations

At a time of heated and divisive debate over immigration, the new feature-length documentary, “Harvest of Empire,” examines the direct connection between the long history of U.S. intervention in Latin America and the immigration crisis we face today. Based on…

Get the Frack Out of Our Water: Shale-Shocked Citizens Fight Back

Western Pennsylvania is considered the birthplace of commercial oil drilling. On Aug. 27, 1859, Edwin Drake struck oil in Titusville, Pa., and changed the course of history. Now, people there are busy trying to stop wells, and the increasingly pervasive…

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