
North America

Glenn Greenwald: Starting with Fiscal Cliff, Obama’s 2nd Term Rests on Organizing, Not Cheerleading

President Obama will open deficit reduction talks on Friday with a call for a $1.6 trillion tax hike on corporations and the wealthiest Americans over the next 10 years. Obama and House Speaker John Boehner are sitting down to avert…

UN Stresses Role of Science for Peace and Development

By J C Suresh A greater global focus on scientific development would help find the answers to seemingly “insurmountable” challenges the world is confronted with, according to the head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). “Science…

Now the Work of Movements Begins

The election is over, and President Barack Obama will continue as the 44th president of the United States. There will be much attention paid by the pundit class to the mechanics of the campaigns, to the techniques of microtargeting potential…

Tavis Smiley, Cornel West on the 2012 Election & Why Calling Obama “Progressive” Ignores His Record

As the most expensive presidential election in U.S. history comes to an end, broadcaster Tavis Smiley and professor, activist Dr. Cornel West join us to discuss President Obama’s re-election and their hopes for a national political agenda in and outside…

From Marriage Equality to Legalizing Marijuana, Election Day Ballot Measures Won by Movements

While much attention was fixed on the presidential race, the 2012 election also saw voters decide on a series of landmark ballot initiatives at the state level. Advocates of marriage equality ended Tuesday with four out of four victories, as…

Election 2012: Ben Jealous, Laura Flanders on Obama’s 2nd Term & the Future of Progressive Politics

We continue our coverage of the presidential election by hosting a roundtable discussion with Benjamin Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, and Laura Flanders, host of GritTV. While Democrats have retained control of the U.S. Senate, Republicans held on…

Who Cares About 1.8 Million Haitians Hit by Sandy – They Do Not Vote in US Elections!

Mainstream media have focussed for many days on Hurricane Sandy’s impact on the U.S.–predictions, images, surveys on who will win the presidential election on 6 November, etc. Meanwhile, very little attention has been paid to the fact that some 1.8…

Alice Slater on the US election: I’m voting Green but Big business wants Obama to win…

In the run up to the big day of voting in the US Presidential election we asked Alice Slater, one of the founders of the Abolition 2000 network of anti-nuclear organisations, to reflect on Obama’s first term and what her…

Obama or Romney: US Defense Spending Would Still Eclipse the World

One of the biggest issues in the 2012 US presidential campaign has been defense spending, as incumbent Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney battle over how much to spend on the American military. But the sheer amount the US spends…

Without Power and Aid, Low-Income Residents of NYC’s Lower East Side Struggle in Storm’s Aftermath

We speak with residents of the low-income and largely minority community of Manhattan’s Lower East Side who live in the shadow of a Consolidated Edison substation that flooded during Superstorm Sandy and has left thousands in the dark. With no…

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