
North America

Colorado House Passes Gun-Control Measures

Colorado lawmakers have passed a series of strict gun-control measures in a state that has suffered some of the worst mass shootings in recent history. The package would ban ammunition magazines with more than 15 rounds, require background checks on…

Abusive Policing and Failures in Protection of Indigenous Women and Girls in Northern British Columbia, Canada

The 89-page report “Those Who Take Us Away” documents both ongoing police failures to protect indigenous women and girls in the north from violence and violent behaviour by police officers against women and girls. Police failures and abuses add to…

Drones are killing ordinary people everyday

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, between 2004 and 2013 drone strikes have killed up to 893 civilians (including 176 children) in Pakistan, 178 civilians (including 37 children) in Yemen, and 57 civilians (including three children) in Somalia (while…

Hacker in Chief: Obama Given Right to Launch ‘Preemptive’ Cyberattacks

A secret review has concluded that US President Obama has the authority to launch a preemptive cyber attack on any country on the basis that they are considered a ‘cyber threat’ – even if there is no concrete evidence of…

Protests Continue Against GE-Hitachi

Protests Continue Against GE-Hitachi – Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Plant close to downtown Toronto. (photo shows of Robert Del Tredici (left) and Zach Ruiter (right) in front of train that was stopped by protesters in Toronto on Sunday February 3, 2013. The protesters…

Mumia Abu-Jamal: “The United States Is Fast Becoming One of the Biggest Open-Air Prisons on Earth”

In a rare live interview, Mumia Abu-Jamal calls into Democracy Now! as the new film, “Long Distance Revolutionary,” about his life premieres in New York City this weekend. After 29 years on death row, he is now being held in…

Rosa Parks, Now and Forever

On Dec. 1, 1955, Rosa Parks famously refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger in Montgomery, Ala., thus launching the modern-day civil-rights movement. Monday, Feb. 4, is the 100th anniversary of her birth. After…

Muslims ‘must change perception about West’

Muhammad Robert Heft, a Canadian convert to Islam who became well known through his “Stop Terrorism” online campaign, has called upon Muslims not to treat people in the West as their enemies. “There are many Abu Talibs among them, they…

USA: End the Nuclear Lobby

We must stop investing in our extinction! For decades the peace movement has been satisfied with scraps from the table of nuclear weapons and their beneficiaries. Even the New START Treaty was offset by the Obama administration promise to spend…

Death and Money – “The Banks are our Cathedrals”

Margarita held Liliana in awe. Just beginning her career as a journalist, she was only too aware of the inequities facing women in Chilean society. She saw Liliana as a role model – not only for herself and her friends,…

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