
North America

New coalitions push to cut the Pentagon

By Jake Olzen, Waging Nonviolence With polls showing that a majority of the public is war-weary and that there is growing support for cutting military spending, the peace movement finds itself in a rare moment of opportunity. Concentrating efforts on building broad coalitions, there…

U.S. Links Pesticides to Honey Bee Deaths, but Resists Ban

by Carey L. Biron, IPS WASHINGTON, May 3 2013 (IPS) – A major study by the U.S. government’s environment and agriculture agencies has suggested a strong link between the use of certain pesticides and the widespread deaths that have afflicted…

US Congresswoman introduces nuclear disarmament bill for 11th time

On April 18, 2013, DC’s Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton re-introduced HR-1650, the “Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act“ for the 11th time WASHINGTON, DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today introduced the Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic…

Bradley Manning has honour awarded and then withdrawn by San Francisco Pride Parade

Earlier in the week Bradley Manning, the openly gay US soldier and source of the wikileaks documents which shone some light on the antics of the US government around the world and has led to him facing prison for the…

The Constitution Project’s Task Force on Detainee Treatment

Guantanamo prisoners continue their hunger strike while clashes go on at the Guantanamo Bay jail as inmates protest against indefinite detentions – for some over eleven years! A damming report has now been released and hit the headlines of news…

Council Majority Supports Immigrant Voting Rights

A majority of the NYC Council now supports legislation that would restore the rights of all documented residents to vote in municipal elections. With 28 co-sponsors, the bill is just six signatures shy of a veto-proof majority in the City…

UN human rights chief urges US to close Guantánamo detention centre

The United Nations human rights chief today urged all branches of the United States Government to work together to close the Guantánamo detention centre, stressing that the indefinite incarceration of detainees is a clear breach of international law. “I am…

Adverse health effects from wireless radio frequency fields

In recent years our members and colleagues have reported an increase in patients whose symptoms are reversible by eliminating wireless radiating devices in their homes such as cell phones, cordless phones and wireless internet systems. There is consistent emerging science…

Tomas Young and the End of the Body of War

Tomas Young was in the fifth day of his first deployment to Iraq when he was struck by a sniper’s bullet in Baghdad’s Sadr City. The single bullet paralyzed him from the chest down, and changed his life forever. Now,…

Canada detains over 240 in anti-police brutality rally

Canadian authorities have detained more than 240 people protesting in Montreal against police brutality on the 15th of March. Around 500 people gathered on Friday to participate in the 17th annual anti-police brutality march. Police reportedly used horses, pepper-spray and…

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