
North America

Foretelling Devastating Impact, Will White House Climate Report Spark Action on Global Warming?

A new report warns human-driven climate change is having dramatic health, ecological and financial impacts across United States. The White House’s “National Climate Assessment” details how the consequences of climate change are hitting on several fronts — rising sea levels…

Race Matters: Resegregation and the Rollback of Affirmative Action

“I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” So proclaimed Alabama Gov. George Wallace more than a half-century ago. His proudly racist rhetoric was matched by heinous actions: Murders, lynchings and systemic violence, often endorsed or organized by state and…

Zunzuneo Violates Law Principles, Swiss Academician Says

Geneva, Apr 24 (Prensa Latina) U.S. program Zunzuneo, created to promote subversion in Cuba, is a violation of the basic principles of law and international relations, academician Alfred de Zayas said here today. According to a report recently published by…

The Grand American Tradition of Violent White Supremacy

 By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan for Democracy Now! Another U.S. shooting spree has left bullet-riddled bodies in its wake, and refocused attention on violent, right-wing extremists. Frazier Glenn Miller, a former leader of a wing of the Ku Klux…

War Tax Resisters Mark April 15 with Call to Stop Military Spending

Millions of Americans are rushing to file their federal and state taxes today by the midnight deadline. But others are using the day to protest the use of tax dollars to fund war. The War Resisters League estimates at least…

NSA Reports Lead 2014 Pulitzer Prize Winners

Today, U.S. journalism’s highest honor, the Pulitzer Prizes, paid tribute to the The Guardian US and The Washington Post, both of which shocked the world with their coverage of the National Security Agency’s surveillance state, based on thousands of documents…

The Iranian nuclear weapons programme that wasn’t

By Gareth Porter for IPS WASHINGTON, Apr 12 2014 (IPS) – When U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Carmen M. Ortiz unsealed the indictment of a Chinese citizen in the UK for violating the embargo against Iran, she made what appeared to…

Barbara Lee: Bring Our Troops Home

Why are the troops STILL there? After trillions spent, thousands of lives lost, and hundreds of thousands of physical and mental injuries, it’s time to end the war in Afghanistan. Barbara is one of the only voices speaking out against…

The Commons: People power beyond the state

The activist and author David Bollier tells Deutsche Welle why what he calls the Commons will change the way we live our lives and our system of politics. DW: Can you define in a nutshell what you mean by the…

Call Centers in Mexico Hiring Deportees

By Emiko Nagano.- American corporations are now moving their call centers for customer service and technical support to Mexico. The benefit is not just cheap labor and the same time zone. Unlike the past call centers in India and Philippines where bad…

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