
North America

As Another Major Bank Avoids Jail, Occupy Wall Street Protester Cecily McMillan Gets 3-Month Term

While no Credit Suisse executives will be heading to jail for facilitating widespread tax evasion, Occupy Wall Street protester Cecily McMillan has been sentenced to three months in jail and five years of probation. McMillan was arrested in March 2012…

Net Neutrality: Wheelering and Dealing at the FCC

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan Michael Powell is the son of Gen. Colin Powell. The elder Powell knows a thing or two about war. He famously presented the case for invading Iraq to the United Nations, on Feb. 5,…

Burger Spring? Fast Food Workers Strike Worldwide

230 cities, 33 countries and 5 continents. Fast food workers are demanding higher salaries. “A few background facts from the Agenda Project Action Fund. (Alter Net) Fast food CEO’s make 1,200 times more than their employees The current federal minimum…

Call for Ukraine Emergency Anti-war Actions May 9 – 26

The International Action Center, along with many antiwar, social justice and solidarity organizations is calling for emergency actions to oppose the dangerous US war mobilization in Ukraine. The Call, initiated by United National Antiwar Coalition, has broad support. The IAC…

Nigeria Abductions Grab the Spotlight

By Jim Lobe The fate of more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by the violent Islamist Boko Haram group from the northern Nigeria town of Chibok in mid-April has become something of a public sensation in the United States since the…

Solitary Confinement Is Not the Answer

There has been much attention, and rightly so, on the CIA’s extensive use of torture, which the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is said to have documented in its still-classified 6,000-page report. The use of torture is not limited to…

Montreal’s police brutality captured on video

Montreal citizens were invited to gather near police headquarters to talk about police brutality yesterday – May 7, 2014. The event was organized by one of Quebec’s largest and more militant student federations, ASSE, and the Coalition Opposed to Police…

Protecting Net Neutrality and the Open Internet

By Chris Riley Mozilla‘s official blog on open Internet policy initiatives and developments In January, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order that prevented Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking and discriminating against…

Canada: Farley Mowat passes away

Farley Mowat died 7 May, 2014, at the age of 92. “He was one of a kind – his writing and his life infused with humour and a genuine love and respect for all living things – except for the…

Convicted Occupy Wall Street Activist Triggers Criticism in U.S.

Washington, May 7 (Prensa Latina) A court ruling has found Occupy Movement activist Cecily McMillan guilty of felony assault against a police officer, triggering harsh criticism in the U.S. McMillan, a student at the New School University and Occupy Wall…

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