
North America

Cuba: in from the cold

Barbara Lee, Member of Congress (USA), member of the Democratic Party, sent a circular to her supporters… “Yesterday we celebrated a long-awaited, long-overdue moral and diplomatic victory in our relationship with Cuba. I have met with Alan Gross many times…

On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse

On occasion a reader will ask if I can give readers some good news. The answer is: not unless I lie to you like “your” government and the mainstream media do. If you want faked “good news,” you need to…

Myth in Art: Cameron at L.A. MOCA, African Cosmos at LACMA

By Gabriela Jurosz-Landa Cameron’s world view and her resulting artistic expression predate contemporary art interpretation. To speak with philosopher Georg Picht, the fragmenting mind of industrial production has separated art, myth and thought. Art today, Picht states, is perceived and…

‘US should respond to public demands for greater police accountability – United Nations

Human Wrongs Watch 4 December 2014 – In the wake of a grand jury decision in New York yesterday not to indict a police officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, an unarmed man, in July, United Nations Secretary…

NYC March to Shut the Whole System Down

In New York, thousands of demonstrators shut down traffic around the city and part of the West Side Highway was effectively closed off as protesters streamed between vehicles, chanting “The whole damn system is guilty as hell.” The march and…

President Obama’s Immigrant Initiative: A Questionable Proposition

By Arturo Ignacio Sánchez President Obama’s executive action on immigration has been uncritically embraced and lauded by immigrant activists, so-called political progressives, and corporate interests. At first glance, this is totally understandable. From an immediate humanitarian perspective the initiative will…

Gorbachev: It’s up to Europe to prevent new Cold War between US and Russia

Human Wrongs Watch RT*, December 2014 — With the US still intoxicated by its Cold War “triumph” and pushing everyone to take an anti-Russian position, Europe must become the locomotive of shaping the new world order, former Soviet President Mikhail…

How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo

by Arturo Lopez-Levy – The Nation, Transcend Media Service. Instead of encouraging Cuban doctors to defect, the United States should be working with them to stop the spread of Ebola. When was last time in recent memory a top US…

Grand Jury Fails to Indict NYC Police Officer Pantaleo

Wednesday Dec 3rd, protesters poured onto the streets following a grand jury’s decision not to indict NYC Police Officer Pantaleo on murder charges for killing unarmed Staten Islander Eric Garner. Protesters rallied at Union Square and Columbus Circle and marched to Times Square, 47th…

Obesity-related Cancers on the Rise, Especially in Developed Countries

Human Wrongs Watch Being overweight or obese have become major risk factors for developing cancer, particularly among women and in more developed countries, the specialized cancer agency of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) reported on 26 November 2014. Overweight and…

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