
North America

Historian Matlock lambasts U.S. policy on Russia

Ambassador Jack Matlock’s presentation to the National Press Club February 22, 2015. Jack F. Matlock Jr., ambassador to the U.S.S.R. from 1987 to 1991, is the author of “Reagan and Gorbachev: How the Cold War Ended.” I think we’re in…

Swimming with the sharks

OpEdNews ran an article which introduced how massive – educational in this case – debt was accumulated by the likes of Goldman Sachs derivatives but only as way to highlight how one US state avoided same, whereas the others were…

Imperialism, the Islamic State and the Policy of Endless War

Why we are marching in Washington, D.C., on Saturday March 21, 2015, to say NO to authorization for new war in Iraq and Syria A statement by Brian Becker, Director of the ANSWER Coalition On Saturday, March 21 the ANSWER…

Pablo Iglesias of Podemos in conversation with Amy Goodman

Introduced by Amy Goodman (Democracy Now), Podemos’ General Secretary Pablo Iglesias  occupied the CUNY Graduate Center leaving hundred outside and overload the streaming. You can watch the recording online now.

Appeal – Kathy Kelly: Pope Francis

Building and Understanding: A Proposed Meeting: Kathy Kelly and Pope Francis, in the Name of Peace By Gary Corseri and Charles Orloski We would like to get this idea “out there”—for good Catholics, and conscientious Americans, and peace-loving citizens of…

#‎GreeceSolidarity‬ NYC

Rally in New York to show solidarity with the people of Greece and Europe and to demand an end to the EU austerity policy that for years has subjected millions of people to a humanitarian crisis. Following the election of…

Ukraine – caught between two outsides

Much of the American media (and many of us in general) see the Ukraine in terms of the old Soviet Union, either leaping to a defense of Russia or to total hostility to it (as if we are re-fighting the…

Isis vs The West – killing by fire

Isis is cruel but so are bombs and drones This is the title of a letter in the Guardian, sent in by Ian Sinclair, also by Dave Hepworth, the letters follow: The murder of the Jordanian pilot captured by Isis is…

Canada Supreme Court lifts ban on doctor-assisted suicide

The Supreme Court of Canada has lifted a ban on doctor-assisted suicide for people with grievous and irremediable medical conditions.  Based on the Friday ruling, federal and provincial governments will have a year to craft legislation consistent with the verdict, recognizing the…

War is the failure of humanity

There are no “good” wars! Despite what Tom Brokaw writes, there was no “greatest generation”* that fought World War II. The generation of the 60s, that protested the Vietnam War, was far more aware, and, in that sense, “greater.” Every…

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