
North America

Teachers and parents sustain the struggle for Mexico’s missing Ayotzinapa students

By Paul Bockingm March 16, 2015 for Waging Nonviolence FIve months ago, Mexico was shaken by one of its worst acts of political violence in decades: the disappearance on September 26 of 43 student teachers and killing of several others from…

Caravana 43 Passed by New York City

In September 2014, dozens of students from Ayotzinapa’s teachers’ college in the Mexican state of Guerrero were attacked by police. #Ayotzi43DCSix people were killed. The police then forcibly disappeared 43 students, who have been missing ever since. The Ayotzinapa 43…

ALBA Caracas Declaration: Peace Against U.S. Aggression

Caracas, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) The Final Declaration of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) signed in Caracas at the end of the summit held here, confirms the commitment of that group to peace in face…

Unasur asks the US to revoke their executive order against Venezuela

Quito, Mar 16 (Andes).- Last Saturday, chancellors from the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) confirmed their support to have a national political dialogue in Venezuela and asked the United States to repeal the executive order that declares Venezuela a “threat”…

Nuclear Waste: Out of sight, NOT out of mind

Canada’s nuclear waste producers are looking for a place to abandon 50,000 tonnes of nuclear fuel waste.  This waste is extremely toxic, very long-lived, and virtually indestructible. More is being produced every day.  The amount is expected to double over…

President of Ecuador highlights meeting of Unsaur in Quito to discuss the position of Venezuela

Quito, March 14 (Andes).-President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, said on Saturday the meeting of foreign ministers of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) will be held this afternoon in Quito to analyze the declaration of United States of Venezuela…

In Selma, Memories of Bloody Sunday Spur Action Today

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan Fifty years have passed since Bloody Sunday, that seminal event in United States civil-rights history when African Americans and their allies attempted to march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, demanding the right to vote.…

The problem with “trickle-down techonomics”

By Jon Gosier, Investor, data scientist, entrepreneur. For TED Hooray for technology! It makes everything better for everyone!! Right? Well, no. When a new technology, like ebooks or health trackers, is only available to some people, it has unintended consequences…

Civil Rights Icon C.T. Vivian on Nonviolence & Hypocrisy of U.S. Promoting Democracy Abroad

Just outside the historic Brown Chapel AME Church in Selma, Alabama, Amy Goodman had a chance to speak with the civil rights pioneer C. T. Vivian, a close friend and adviser to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Fifty years ago,…

The Greatest Heist in History

By Danny Katch The vast majority of Americans have been the victims of one of the biggest and longest-lasting robberies in history. Danny Katch investigates–and uncovers the culprits. THE TENTH richest person in America stood before a private audience in…

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