
North America

Ecuador: Forensic analysis throws argument of fraudulent ruling out the window for Chevron

Quito, Abril 1 (Andes).- A new forensic analysis appears to completely undermine the testimony of Chevron’s star witness in the Ecuador pollution case and suggests the oil company falsified evidence about the authorship of the Ecuador trial judgment to evade…

EPA moratorium on new pesticides that kill birds and bees

Reuters reports the in the USA the Environmental Protection Agency has issued a moratorium that will restrict the use of new pesticides that have been blamed for declining bee populations, though the policy does not apply to products currently on…

Iran, the Deal, and why it’s good for all

Background: All nuclear weapons require a primary nuclear explosive. There are only two materials that are used for that purpose: either Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) or plutonium of any kind (except plutonium-238). Highly Enriched Uranium Highly Enriched Uranium refers to…

Remove US military bases from Latin America – UNASUR chief

Latin American countries should discuss removing all US military bases from their soil, a top official of integration organization UNASUR suggested. The issue may be discussed next month at the upcoming Summit of the Americas in Panama. The Summit of…

NYC holds “Day of Remembrance” – American history of Japanese Americans internment camp

On March 28, The New York City Day of Remembrance Committee (DOR), a group of volunteers, held their annual event commemorating the struggles that Japanese Americans endured during World War II. This year’s program was a tribute to the late…

Opening Message for the Day of Discussions on the Peace process in Colombia at Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflections.

March 28, 2015 – First, let me thank you for being here and for traveling to this beautiful part of New York State. We are here at the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection between Kingston and New Paltz.…

Moving away from war in Ukraine

Statement by United for Peace and Justice The Ukraine conflict continues to fester, raising tensions in the region to levels not seen since the Cold War. Now the warring parties have agreed to a ceasefire and an approach to further…

5th International Uranium Film Festival starts April 15 in Canada

From Rio de Janeiro to Quebec City, Mistissini and Montreal The 5th International Uranium Film Festival 2015 – a Film Festival about Nuclear Power – will happen this year from April 15 to 25, 2015 for the first time in…

What we learned from de Blasio’s first year

Danny Katch measures the accomplishments and failures of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio against the expectations that his election would usher in real change. THE CHICAGO mayoral election is getting national attention because incumbent Rahm Emanuel–a national political…

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Into the Heart of Darkness

The proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a controversial regulatory and trade initiative. It is designed to integrate and coordinate the economies of the so-called Asia-Pacific region along global market-based lines. The signature trade proposal of the Obama administration, the TPP…

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