
North America

How for-Profit Prisons have Become a Big Lobby.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s detention budget includes a mandate from Congress that at least 34,000 immigrants remain detained on a daily basis, a quota that has steadily grown each year, even as the undocumented immigrant population in the United…

The ‘Aid Industry’ – a few home truths

The ‘Aid Industry’ – a few home truths – rebuffs to an Open Letter ‘to The Media re Aid Industry’ BigDog says (April 27, 2015) – A wonderful shot across the media bow sir. Now, from a lad who’s worked 18…

New York stands with Baltimore

Thousands of New Yorkers from across the five boroughs, #BlackLivesMatter activists and organizations that stand for social, economic, and racial justice rallied at Union Square to show the people of Baltimore that New York stands in solidarity with them and…

Three days of discussion in Boston on the Colombian peace process.

A three day conference was hosted in Boston [WHEN?] by Boston University, Harvard University and MIT focusing on the political and social situation in Colombia today and the challenges facing the country on the eve of an historic peace deal…

Prayer Service in New York for Earthquake Victims in Nepal

The ceremony was hosted by United Sherpa Association, USA at its monastery in Jackson Heights, on April 26, 2015. Nepal was hit by massive earthquake of 7.9 rector scale and several dozens aftershocks that have killed more than 4000 people,…

New York: Parents of 43 Missing Mexican Students March to U.N.

Parents and relatives of the 43 students missing in the Mexican state of Guerrero have marked seven months since their loved ones disappeared. Some of the parents and relatives converged on New York City after traveling across the United States…

Insanity Grips The Western World

Just as Karl Marx claimed that History had chosen the proletariat, neoconservatives claim that History has chosen America. Just as the Nazis proclaimed “Deutschland uber alles,” neoconservatives proclaim “America uber alles.” In September 2013 President Obama actually stood before the…

NPT Review Conference circus begins

By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group, USA Beginning Monday, May April 27 and lasting through May 22, the United Nations headquarters in New York will host the ninth five-year Review Conference (RevCon) of the Parties to the…

Could Iran be just the start?

Japan’s prime minister during the Fukushima catastrophe, Naoto Kan, delivered a message at the World Uranium Symposium in Quebec City in mid-April that it is time for the world to put an end to nuclear power. The symposium, held for…

Reducing the risk of inadvertent nuclear war

John Hallam writing on Abolition Caucus highlights the content of a New York Times editorial opinion piece written jointly by Generals Cartwright and Dvyorkin saying that the Op Ed is incredibly important and timely. He adds that they have both…

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