
North America

Nebraska abolishes death penalty, overrides governor’s veto

Lawmakers in Nebraska officially abolished the death penalty, overriding the governor’s veto and successfully countering his intense lobbying efforts on the issue. It is the first conservative state to end capital punishment since North Carolina in 1973. Governor Pete Ricketts…

Ann Wright: where your conscience can take you – North Korea

Following my conscience to challenge US policies began with my resignation as a US diplomat in 2003 in opposition to the Bush war on Iraq. Before working as a diplomat I was a US Army Reserve Colonel. Over the past…

US tests nuclear missile as nations fail to find consensus on disarmament

With the NPT Conference wrapping up and struggling to find consensus, the timing of this missile test sends a very wrong message The US is set to launch a Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile from Vandenberg Air Force Base in…

ICAN campaign, NPT, and the humanitarian initiative

Dear Friends, [Alice Slater writes] There’s no doubt that the ICAN campaign and the humanitarian initiative which started in Norway, and then went on to Mexico and Austria has shaken things up at the NPT.   There’s a new impatience with…

US on the wrong side of history

This is what it has all come down to…. the US and the corrupt, dictatorial Gulf monarchies meeting at Camp David Thursday and agreeing on a plan to flood the Middle East with ‘missile defense’ (MD) systems. These Gulf monarchies…

US policies belie claims of NPT article VI compliance

The story being presented by the US delegation to this NPT Review Conference that gradual nuclear disarmament is underway is an egregious falsehood. The reality of US policy is exactly the opposite. By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study…

Transform Now Plowshares activists freed

Sixth circuit orders immediate release of Michael, Megan and Greg In an amazing turn of events, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals this evening ordered the immediate release of Megan Rice, Michael Walli and Greg Boertje-Obed, the Transform Now Plowshares activists…

Hell Unleashed

This is what the arrogant morons who comprise the US government have stirred up: Watch this video for its entire 1 hour 20 minutes, and then ask yourself if Washington is making a good decision by driving us into…

The de Blasio Road Show

By Danny Katch – May 12, 2015 NEW YORK City Mayor Bill de Blasio is expected to announce a set of national policy proposals on Tuesday, May 12–including a $15 an hour minimum wage and universal pre-K–that he is calling…

A Lenape Call for a new cycle of consciousness to protect Mother Earth

The Abolition 2000 Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, May 2, during the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference. It was opened with a moving welcome and greeting sent from the Lenape Center with a call for a new cycle of consciousness to…

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