
North America

U.S. Sets Record for Billion-Dollar Disasters in a Single Year, With Almost Four Months to Go

With nearly four months still to go in 2023, the U.S. has already set a record for the most natural disasters that have cost $1 billion or more in a single year. By: Cristen Hemingway Jaynes Since 1980, there have…

9/17: March in NYC to End Fossil Fuels!

Fossil fuels harm our health, our families, and our lives. It’s never been more clear than in recent months, with wildfire smoke and heatwaves choking us, that fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis. And, as a member of the…

Global Days of Action, Sept. 30 – Oct. 8, 2023

The International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, held in Vienna earlier this summer, proposed Global Days of Action, Sept. 30 – Oct. 8th, 2023. We strongly encourage everyone to take part. You can plan a meeting, rally, forum, dramatic performance,…

Everybody Knows

Joe Biden Won’t Be the Democratic Candidate in 2024 In December of 2022 I went on record saying that Joe Biden would not be running for president again in 2024. The response I got from my Democrat friends when I…

Latin American peoples between obscurantism, nostalgia and new utopias

In October, Argentines and Ecuadorians are once again called to the polls. In the case of Ecuador, a second round of voting will determine who will occupy the presidential seat of the ousted banker-president Lasso in a shortened mandate for…

The fight for voting rights continues in the US

In May 1901, 150 white men gathered in the city of Montgomery to rewrite the Alabama state constitution. These men elected John Knox, a prominent lawyer, to preside over the convention. In his opening speech, Knox said: “What is it…

Reading Trudy Richards co-author of ‘ambrosia’ Poetic Recipes/ Part II

My niece came for a visit in early June. Every morning, I prepared my bag for our tourist sightseeing in New York City: my refillable bottle of water, two masks, hand sanitizer, a cellphone charger, and Ambrosia: Poetic Recipes. The…

The Pentagon is the Elephant In the Climate Activist Room

With nearly 10,000 people expected to take to the streets of New York City on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels, the climate justice movement seems more organized than ever. But, there’s a big elephant in the…

Sept 30: Peace Boat’s arrival to New York

Sailing for Change – Partnerships for SDGs Celebration onboard Peace Boat ~ September 30, 2023 ~ The MV Pacific World will visit New York City for the first time since the pandemic as an immediate follow up to the UN…

9/17 Global Day of Action to End Fossil Fuels!

On September 15 to 17, millions of people around the world will take to the streets to demand a rapid, just, and equitable end to fossil fuels. This wave of global mobilizations will include the March to End Fossil Fuels in…

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