
North America

Obama unveils landmark regulations to combat climate change

US President Barack Obama has unveiled a landmark decision to tackle climate change. Republicans were quick to criticize it, with some saying it would have “devastating consequences” for the US economy. In a bid to combat climate change, US President…

Vicente Rubio on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, singer and guitarist, Mark Lesseraux and continues with Vicente Rubio to discuss Spain’s new political landscape with Podemos and the political structures emerging form the Indignados/M15 movement.

Cincinnati and the Murder of Samuel DuBose

By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan A stunning indictment has been handed down in Cincinnati, focusing attention again on police killings of people of color. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph T. Deters announced that University of Cincinnati Police Officer Ray Tensing…

Milena Gutierrez on Face 2 Face

The show starts with Mark Lesseraux singing Mother of Pearl and continue with teh guest of the week, Milena Gutierrez to discuss the Colombian Peace Process

A Cuban Flag Flies Again in Washington

By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan On July 20, history was made in Washington, D.C., and in Havana, Cuba. As the Cuban national anthem was played, the island nation’s flag was raised over its embassy in Washington, D.C. The embassy,…

“Christmas in July” in Absurdityville, USA

“It is Christmas in July!”[1] So, the boob-tube informs me every time I try to momentarily escape the real and surreal horrors of MSM news, alternative news, Internet news, news from the universe. I seek a morsel of sustenance; a…

Worker Cooperatives vs. Traditional Hierarchical Organizations

From Rcooley123 blog (September 7, 2014 entry) Worker cooperatives, where the workers are also owners of a company, may be an effective way to counter the trend towards large, multinational corporations which have resulted in the enormous degree of economic…

TTIP, BDS and the illegal settlements

Not much has been said about the way the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and the EU) will affect BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) campaign against Israel. In fact when Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority…

21st Century Glass-Steagall Act

Warren, McCain float bill again to rebuild wall between commercial and investment banking Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John McCain (R-AZ), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and Angus King (I-ME) on Tuesday (07/07/2015) re-introduced the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, a modern version of…

UN Expert Calls for Lifting US Blockade against Cuba

United Nations, Jul 6 (Prensa Latina) Unitd Nations special rapporteur for human rights and international sanctions Idriss Jazairy urged today the United States to lift the blockade against Cuba, while praising the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between both countries. In…

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