
North America

Harpreet Toor on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, singer and guitarist Gabriella Callender, and continues with Harpreet Singh Toor to discuss the situation of the Sikh community in New York City.

Ontario’s geriatric reactors at Darlington require major surgery

While Ontario Power Generation (OPG) plans to permanently shut down the eight nuclear reactors at Pickering by 2020 (two of them are already retired), OPG is seeking an unprecedented thirteen year operating licence for its four nuclear reactors at Darlington.…

Leave fossil fuels in the ground, ending climate crimes

Climate Change and Nuclear Power: You Don’t Cure the Plague by Spreading Cholera. Nuclear Radiation is not the Solution to Global Warming By Jean-Marie Matagne Global Research, August 29, 2015 In the lead-up to COP21, a hundred French and international…

Thomas Lowenhaupt on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, the singer and guitarist Gabriella Callender, and continues with Tom Lowenhaupt to discuss .nyc and Internet Top Level Domains in NYC and around the World. Read more about .nyc in New York

Renewables as baseload power? Yes.

As pointed out in this article, some environmentalists and clean energy advocates remain skeptical that a nuclear-free, carbon-free energy system is attainable; and we’ve had a few strong and interesting responses to my recent post The archaic nature of baseload…

Scientists turn cancerous cells back into normal cells

Scientists have discovered a process to turn cancer cells back into normal cells by restoring the balance of key molecules controlling specific cellular functions. A group of researchers from the Mayo Clinic carried out the research published in the journal…

Karla Gongora on Face 2 Face

This week’s show starts with our friend, the singer and guitarist, Mark Lesseraux and continues with Karla Gongora to discuss the subject of transitional justice as part of the Colombian peace process.

Mapping New York City’s Civic Commons

New York, August 20, 2015 – Churchill nailed it in 1947 when he said “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others which have been tried from time to time.” For decades thereafter traditional Western Democracy…

Israel’s growing isolation in the world and from Jews generally

Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi: How has Israel invented the Iranian threat and with which means does Israel try to keep it for ever? Prof. Yakov Rabkin: In an earlier article I outlined the history of that invention ( ). Israel…

Nuclear negotiations demonstrated US-Iran respectful engagement

 Since 2002 when the United States first accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons, there was barely a day when one couldn’t find a headline on the press about Iran’s nuclear program. Literally thousands of news stories, reports, articles and commentaries…

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