
North America

Guantánamo Bay: 14 years of injustice

Guantánamo Bay detention centre – a symbol of torture, rendition and indefinite detention without charge or trial – has entered its 15th year of existence. Immediately after his election as president in 2009, Barack Obama promised that he would close…

US activists mark Guantanamo anniversary in Washington

Human rights groups in Washington DC held protest to highlight the torture of inmates at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and called on President Barack Obama to shut down the facility. As the US detention camp entered…

USA and North Korea infected with the same disease

At first sight it would seem that there couldn’t be two countries more different than the third-generation dictatorship of North Korea and the 200-year old democracy of the United States of America. Instead of accepting the strong propaganda of both…

On North Korea’s nuclear test

This latest terrifying and dreadful underground nuclear test by North Korea should be a warning to the United States and the other nuclear weapons states, that the longer we continue to modernize and cling to our nuclear arsenals and promote…

“Every time I think about those kids it gets me mad”: Obama tears up as he orders new gun control

President Obama has laid out his plans to take executive action in an attempt to cut gun violence. Part of his plan will result in mandatory background checks for individuals purchasing firearms online or at gun shows. The administration is…

As Saudi Arabia executes Sheikh al-Nimr, will U.S. respond by cutting $50 billion in weapons sales?

After Saudi Arabia executed Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr on Saturday along with 46 others, protesters in the Iranian capital of Tehran responded by torching part of the Saudi Embassy. On Sunday, Saudi Arabia responded by severing ties with Iran.…

The USA is being destroyed by unaddressed problems

America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed — Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Roberts One hundred years ago European civilization, as it had been known, was ending its life in the Great War, later renamed World War I.…

No to NATO; no to nuclear weapons – yes to Peace

Despite good intentions a lot of anti-establishment cum anti-System writings are heavy on the negative, as if it were up to Madam Fate and all futures appear dire but it’s not so. The Human Race has a lot going for…

Bern the Feel

Bern the Feel By David Swanson If you have to obsess over a political candidate who’s ocassionally allowed on television, please do so with Ted Rall’s book on Bernie. This is not John Nichols’ interview of Bernie in which…

U.S. resumes reporting on weapons sales after a three-year gap

A great big thank you to those of you who helped by demanding that the U.S. Congress resume reporting on weapons sales. It has now resumed that reporting after a three-year gap. Here is the new report, and a New…

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