
North America

USA: 5 reasons the Top Tax Rate should be 80%

It came up in the Republican debate again, the curious notion that striving for less inequality is somehow a form of “class warfare.” The implication is that the richest people earned everything they have through their own initiative and hard…

Get Well, Michael Moore

Get Well, Michael Moore Your new movie, Where to Invade Next, is very powerful, your best so far for certain. Get well. Fast. We need you. You’ve packed a great many issues into this film, with visuals, with personalities, with…

Ramiro Sandoval on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with theater director, Ramiro Antonio Sandoval, who recently finished a tour with the play “The Winter of April” (short video) about Human trafficking. Ramiro began the group’s name Tabula RaSa’s “clean slate” in 2011 with…

Veterans For Peace Calls on U.S. government to end persecution of Julian Assange and Wikileaks

 Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been wrongly subjected to arbitrary detention for five and a half years, according to a ruling by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.  The ruling is critical of Swedish prosecutors, who have refused…

ABC’s of the US Empire

“A” Is for “Asininity” That’s a particular kind of stupidity.  All of us can be stupid at times.  (Ever see that picture of Einstein with his tongue hanging out like an aardvark’s, clowning—one supposes—for the camera?) It’s in our genes…

Can Sanders conquer the Democratic Party?

After Bernie Sanders’ big victory in New Hampshire, Danny Katch asks what it would take for him to win the nomination–and the even bigger challenge of winning the party. WHEN THE loudmouths at Fox News used to warn about the…

Taking back our common lands and life

There has always been something suspicious about what once was termed ‘global warming’, then became climate change – which no one can deny is taking place. Then the issue was further refined and the core point became man-made negative changes…

Chili Yazzie: “Give Us Our One Day to Say Our Peace”

Duane “Chili” Yazzie delivered the keynote at The Red Nation and UNM KIVA Club’s march and rally in Albuquerque on October 12, 2015 in celebration of the city’s first Indigenous Peoples Day, formerly known as Columbus Day. Yazzie is the…

What happens to the Bernie Sanders movement if he loses?

By George Lakey January 15, 2016, for Waging Nonviolence You may have heard the story of the woman who was walking her dog one night and found a man on his hands and knees, searching the sidewalk under the streetlight. “Can…

Chelsea Manning releases Podcast to tell her story in her own words

Actress Michelle Hendley portrays WikilLeaks whistleblower’s voice due to prison restrictions barring her from speaking directly to press. (Via Common Dreams) The recording was produced in collaboration with Amnesty International and voiced by actress Michelle Hendley. Due to prison restrictions,…

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