
North America

Torture rhetoric In 2016 presidential campaign

Veterans For Peace Statement on Torture Rhetoric In 2016 Presidential Campaign Veterans For Peace strongly condemns and denounces the pro-torture rhetoric being used in the 2016 presidential campaign. Recent statements by several presidential candidates, most notably Donald Trump, but also…

The need for a new economic system

Review: The Need for a New Economic System by John S. Avery Review by Dr. Dorothy Guyot …of The Need for a New Economic System,  by John Scales Avery. From – Center for Economic and Social Justice Opening comments by…

Tata Lopera on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with Tata Lopera. Tata is a Colombian actress who tell us her story and her experiences about playing on the theater play “The Winter of April”. We talked also about human trafficking, immigration and Tata…

’40 Years Is Enough’ Bring Peltier Home with International Day of Solidarity

By Frances Madeson | Indian Country today Media Network Leonard Peltier supporters gathered in New York, California, Oregon, Paris, Barcelona, Belfast, Brussels and Berlin on Saturday February 6, 2016, for an International Day of Solidarity. In Albuquerque, New Mexico, home…

Apple vs. the FBI

Inside the Battle Snowden Calls “The Most Important Tech Case in a Decade” A major debate over privacy and online encryption has erupted after the computer giant Apple announced it will resist a court order to help the FBI break…

Chomsky wants you to wake up from the American Dream

If you’ve just seen Michael Moore’s movie and are wondering how in the world the United States got diverted into the slow lane to hell, go watch Noam Chomsky’s movie. If you’ve just seen Noam Chomsky’s movie and are wondering…

Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence

  Join the Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence: 1-8 May 2016 Dear IANSA members and friends, We are pleased to announce the dates for this year’s Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence: 1–8 May 2016. This week…

The Death of the Republican Party

I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization. It died in 2016. RIP. From the blog of Robert Reich It has been replaced by warring tribes:…

Pope Francis apologizes to Mexican indigenous for history of pillage and abuse

Catholic leader also specifically called on native people to ‘teach mankind how to maintain a harmonious relationship with nature’ byLauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams Speaking to tens of thousands of people in an open-air mass in the southern…

European groups expose ‘Terrifying extent of corporate grab’ within TTIP

‘The ability to enact effective and fair tax systems to finance vital public services is one of the defining features of sovereignty,’ says Global Justice Now—one that is threatened by corporate trade deals. by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common…

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