
North America

NYC Marks 3rd Anniversary of Hugo Chavez’s Death

The Venezuelan Consulate organized a reception in commemoration of Hugo Chavez’s death. The main event was a projection of Oliver Stone’s documentary call “Mi Amigo Hugo” (My Friend Hugo)  a gathering of testimonies of family, friends, intellectuals and politicians who honor and…

Stiglitz: Anger over ‘Failed Economy’ is shaping US election

“Americans have seen lots of injustices. I think that has really motivated the anger across the spectrum.” by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams Inequality is shaping the 2016 U.S. presidential election, as voters disillusioned by the financial crisis…

Everybody Turn Out for a Day of Peace and Solidarity in New York

Everybody Turn Out for a Day of Peace and Solidarity in New York By David Swanson What happens when there are endless wars accompanied by militarized policing, spreading racism, erosion of civil rights, and concentration of wealth, but the…

Are We Willing to Pay the Price for Peace?

Are We Willing to Pay the Price for Peace? By David Swanson Premiering around the end of March will be one of the best films I’ve ever seen on peace activism: Paying the Price for Peace produced by Bo…

Gabriela Jurosz-Landa on Face 2 Face

The show starts with singer, Liah Alonso and her song Gypsy Cowgirl and continue with Gabriela Jurosz-Landa to discuss the issue of Museums as Stations of Art and Life. You can also read this article

Super Doomsday?

Danny Katch looks at the outcome of the latest set of presidential primary elections. THE BIG winners of the dozen Super Tuesday primary contests on March 1 were the two frontrunners for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations–but for the…

Argentina thrown to the vultures

In June 2015 the Jubilee Debt Campaign explained: ‘Argentina’s economy is being held to ransom by a small handful of very wealthy speculators – so-called ‘vulture funds’. ‘A New York court has awarded two US vulture funds a $1.3 billion…

Video: NYC Request the Liberation of Milagro Sala

The Humanists in New York are asking the media and people on social networks to share and distribute this video. Their are also requesting to the friends and family of Milagro Sala to make sure she can watch this video.…

Gathering in NYC for the Liberation of Milagro Sala

The rally was part of the International Humanist Campaign in Support of Milagro Sala. People gathered in NYC at Union Square in front of the Gandhi Statue. “We choose this place to remind us of Gandhi’s experiences of  being arrested…

Gabriella Callender on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with musician and activist, Gabriella Callender. We talked about her life’s experiences in music and how she became engaged in social issues. She will be playing on March 5th at the Momma’s Hip-Hop Kitchen at…

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