
North America

FBI to Apple: Nevermind

‘The FBI’s credibility just hit a new low. They repeatedly lied to the court and the public in pursuit of a dangerous precedent that would have made all of us less safe.’ by Common Dreams staff Following a high-profile attempt…

The U.S. allocates 800 thousand dollars to program against Cuba

Havana, Mar 28 (Prensa Latina) In a new attempt to interfere in Cuban internal affairs, the United States announced a program of orientation to supposed emergent leaders of Cuban civil society, with a budget amounting to almost 800 thousand dollars.…

Call for action during the NATO summit in Warsaw July 8-9 2016

No to war │ No to NATO bases │ No to the missile defence shield │ No to the arms race│ Disarmament – welfare not warfare │ Refugees welcome here │ Solidarity with peace and anti-war movements The next NATO…

Japanese Way of Using the Past to Explain the Present

At the New York Day of Remembrance for Japanese-Americans on Saturday, March 26, people gathered at the Japanese American United Church not just to remember the past but also to understand the present moment. Film director Konrad Aderer underlined the…

Argentina: 40 years after the Bloody Military Coup

By Martin Hacthoun Buenos Aires, Mar 24 (Prensa Latina) US President Barack Obama is concluding his official visit to Buenos Aires on Thursday, a day when millions of Argentineans are commemorating the 40th anniversary of the military coup d”état in…

Documentary “Silo, a Spiritual Path” gains awards and accolades

Silo, a Spiritual Path, officially selected for a Hollywood International Independent Documentary Award, 2016. The documentary Silo, a Spiritual Path, Director Pablo Lavin, has gained Official Selection under The Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards, Los Angeles, California. This is the second…

The Unwavering Dignity of the Cuban Revolution Has Won

They can try to say what they want, but the Cuban Revolution continues to triumph against U.S. interference despite the decades-long blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act (among other things). And since it’s time to say things clearly, let’s begin…

The Unwavering Dignity of the Cuban Revolution Has Won

They can try to say what they want, but the Cuban Revolution continues to triumph against U.S. interference despite the decades-long blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act (among other things). And since it’s time to say things clearly, let’s begin…

The slow, inevitable collapse of the two-party system

 In this election year, it’s clear that a seismic political shift is rumbling through America.  Widespread discontent for the status quo is surfacing from both the left and right.  A year ago, it would have been impossible to envision a…

Reay Garcias on Face 2 Face

The show starts with Liah Alonso singing “Without you I’ll never be alone” and continue with Ray Garcias to discuss about Puerto Rico. Rey is born and raised in NYC of Puerto Rican background. Both of his parents were born and now…

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