
North America

Historic radioactive waste stored near Fort McMurray

With the massive fires raging in and near Fort McMurray in Northern Alberta, concern has been expressed about the integrity of the historic radioactive wastes stored nearby. The bulky radioactive wastes  (43,000 cubic metres = one-and-a-half million cubic feet) stored near Fort…

Closing our wallets to nuclear weapons

In May, diplomats in Geneva resume discussions on how to create and maintain a nuclear weapons free world.  It is important for those discussions to include a range of options and activities that can be undertaken now- even by countries…

#BernieOrBust: Sanders Fans Debate Whether to Vote for Clinton If She is Democratic Nominee

As Democratic challengers Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton press on in the Democratic primary, Sanders trails in the pledged delegate count by more than 300. Add in superdelegates, and Clinton is just under 200 delegates shy of the number needed…

Remembering Father Dan Berrigan, a Prophet of Peace

A prophet of peace has passed. Daniel Berrigan, a Catholic Jesuit priest, a protester, a poet, a dedicated uncle and brother, died last weekend at the age of 94. His near-century on Earth was marked by compassion and love for…

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism

Greenpeace has done that part of the world whose representatives are so corrupt or so stupid as to sign on to the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic “partnerships” a great service. Greenpeace secured and leaked the secret TTIP documents that Washington and…

Uranium Film Festival Premiere in Hollywood was a blast

International Uranium Film Festival rocked in Los Angeles. In its 6th year, the International Uranium Film Festival, the Atomic Age Cinema Fest was held for the first time in Hollywood. Highlight of the premiere in the famous Raleigh Studios Hollywood…

US presidential elections: A view from the Middle East

Although the era of US global hegemony is coming to a close, the Middle East – more than most regions – is still reeling from the nasty last jabs of that Empire in decline.  It is little wonder, then, that…

Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders is not a radical

He has mass support for positions on healthcare & taxes During an event Tuesday night, Noam Chomsky was asked about Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and said he considered him more of a “New Deal Democrat” than a radical extremist,…

Stop U.S. Intervention in Syria

The war in Syria appears to be heating back up.  A surprisingly widespread “cessation of hostilities” had reduced violence considerably for several weeks.  But U.N. sponsored peace talks got nowhere fast, with rebel factions insisting that the Assad government must…

If Obama visits Hiroshima – part 2

In Prague, Obama significantly noted that “ the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral responsibility to act.” [emphasis added] In the 1996 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)…

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