
North America

Philippines: 700 assassinated by “death squads” under “cleansing”

During moment of great crises, people’s fears are accentuated. People begin to be burdened with so many worries. Concomitant to these worries and fears is the consciousness’ search for the culprit, that unknown something that surely is behind their suffering.…

Clinton & Trump: Peddling “Solutions”

By Arturo Ignacio Sanchez – The packaging and marketing of the 2016 Democratic and Republican conventions has much to teach us about U.S. presidential politics and failures in public imagination. Both conventions were structured as political spectacles that delivered…

Russia’s weakness is its economic policy

According to various reports, the Russian government is reconsidering the neoliberal policy that has served Russia so badly since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  If Russia had adopted an intelligent economic policy, Russia’s economy would be far ahead of…

Wave of occupations marks step forward for Black Lives Matter

By Ashoka Jegroo August 8, 2016 Activists in New York City seeking to defund the police have successfully occupied City Hall Park for a week and seen one of their demands met with the resignation of Commissioner Bill Bratton. While…

Anniversary of the biggest terrorist attack in human history

The dates of August 6 and 9, 1945, remind us of the horror of Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the context of the end of the Second World War. That is when the US government caused the USA military to…

Report on the status of the nuclear weapons ban treaty negotiations

From Alice Slater on Abolition2000: Dear Friends, This very thoughtful report below from Mia Gandenberger and Ray Acheson at Reaching Critical Will gives you the whole dismaying story of who’s working to ban the bomb and who wants more “steps”,…

Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death

Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death and Hell Followed Him Paul Craig Roberts I just listened to Obama give Washington’s account of the situation with ISIL in…

The Voting Rights Acts in the Era of Jim Crow 2.0

The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on Aug. 6, 1965, helped enfranchise millions of African-Americans over the decades. Speaking before a bipartisan gathering of members of Congress, his Cabinet, civil-rights leaders and the press, Johnson…

Twenty-five years of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START

Twenty-five years ago this past Sunday, the world gave a heavy sigh of relief. On July 31st, 1991, Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush signed the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or more commonly, START I. The treaty limited…

Jill Stein – an essential part of the debate in the USA

 Alice Slater shared Insight News Network‘s video. Great interview! Get to know Jill Stein the Green Party candidate. It’s essential that she be in the debates with Clinton, Trump and the Libertarian candidate. We really have to hear the various…

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