
North America

Fears, Tears and Jeers at a BLM Listening Session: a Navajo Community Takes Fracking to Heart

By Frances Madeson There were Agonistes on both sides of the dais at the Bureau of Land Management’s listening session at the Torreon, Counselor and Ojo Encino Tri-Chapter meeting on September 28. A Diné mother publicly apologized to her daughter…

Imagining a World Beyond War

A conference at American University asks a fundamental question: How can ordinary people take action to put an end to war? Over 300 people gathered last week at a conference at American University in Washington, DC, which brought together a…

Medea Benjamin: “Nonviolence is the only path”

During the International Peace Bureau World Congress in Berlin we have interviewed Medea Benjamin, US activist for peace and human rights. Here below the link to the complete interview

David Rojas on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with David Rojas, concerning his work Piezas Faltantes (Missing Pieces), an intervention that brings to life the memory of people in Colombia who went missing due to the political armed conflict.

Over 200 Groups demand EPA revise dangerously flawed fracking study

Groups charge that the EPA has “done the public a disservice” by helping promote a toxic drilling method.  by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) flawed assessment that fracking has not led to “widespread,…

The Colombians for Peace Took Times Square

The Colombian community for Peace gathered in Times Square to celebrate the end of the war after 52 years, while the agreements between the FARC and the government of Juan Manuel Santos was signed in Cartagena Colombia. A symbolic act…

Protests Continue Across Charlotte for Sixth Straight Day

Hundreds continued to protest for a sixth straight day in Charlotte. Uniformed National Guard soldiers carrying rifles were deployed outside a Carolina Panthers football game, while police in riot gear surrounded about 100 demonstrators who were chanting “Black Lives Matter.”…

Charlotte: Protesters Demand Police Release Video of Keith Scott’s Killing

In Charlotte, North Carolina, protests continue for a third day to demand police release video of the shooting of African-American father Keith Lamont Scott. North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has declared a state of emergency and mobilized the National Guard.…

An open letter to the people of the United States: election or revolution?

Robert J. Burrowes As citizens of the USA with a presidential election approaching you have a wonderful opportunity to ponder whether to participate in this election or to participate in the ongoing American Revolution. Your first revolution might have overthrown…

Rally Against President Mauricio Macri in New York

The assembly in front the Mark Hotel, is asking President Mauricio Macri to free Milagro Sala  and others Argentinian political prisoners. Milagro Sala is a leader of the Tupac Amaru neighborhood association, part of the Association of State Workers (ATE)…

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