
North America

Trump officially confirmed as next US president by Electoral College

Donald Trump has won the US Electoral College vote, ensuring he will become America’s 45th president. An effort by anti-Trump protesters to persuade Republican electors to abandon the president-elect failed. President-elect Donald Trump has been formally voted the next president…

Larry Colburn, Who Intervened to Stop My Lai Massacre, Dies at 67

U.S. military veteran Larry Colburn, best known for intervening to stop the 1968 My Lai massacre, has died of liver cancer at his home in Georgia at the age of 67. Colburn was part of a three-person helicopter crew that…

Banks Start to Divest From Dakota Access Pipeline

The Global Month of Actions, targeting the banks behind the pipeline started on December 1st, but in November the Indigenous people have already obtained an important victory in Norway, when two major investors decided to divest from Dakota Access Pipeline.…

What Racist Registries Look Like

A new large photo book has just been published called Un-American: The Incarceration of Japanese Americans During World War II. People who support creating a Muslim registry should take a look. Here are the victims before, in their small farms…

New York March for Immigrant Rights!

After the election of Donald Trump the immigrants organization in NYC organized a March on December 18 from 48th Street btw 1st and 2nd Avenue (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza) to Trump Tower in Manhattan. Trump’s election has cast a pall over…

December 2016: Global Month of #NoDAPL Action

On December 4th, the Obama Administration announced that the US Army Corps would not grant Dakota Access LLC the last remaining easement it needs to drill under the Missouri River at Lake Oahe and complete construction of the pipeline.  While this is…

John Reed on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with John Reed author of the book “Free Boat: Collected Lies and Love Poems”, selects from a sequence of sonnets written from 2008-2015. John works translated into German, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Latvian…

NYC: Water Protectors Disrupt 4 Bank Branches Demanding Divestment from Dakota Pipeline

In New York City, dozens of Native Americans and allies held protests at four separate bank branches Thursday to demand Wells Fargo, Citibank and TD Bank divest from the $3.8 Billion Dakota Access pipeline. The actions were organized by a…

Stop all weapons sale to the Saudi regime!

The Obama administration just blocked a new sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia. Concerned over the high rate of civilian casualties caused by the Saudi bombings in Yemen, the White House stopped a Raytheon sale of 16,000 guided munition kits valued at $350 million. This…

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