
North America

Samantha Power Can See Russia from Her Padded Cell

At the Atlantic Council — a “think” tank funded by such bastions of democracy as Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, not to mention that center of peaceful nonviolence NATO — Samantha Power announced on Tuesday that Russia is a menacing danger…

How America Went from Hope to Cynicism in the Obama Era

By Danny Katch Inauguration Day marks the official transfer of power from Barack Obama to Donald Trump, but the real transition became painfully apparent earlier this month. Obama gave a farewell address to thousands of adoring fans in Chicago on…

President Obama commutes Chelsea’s sentence!

By the Chelsea Manning Support Network. President Obama has commuted all but four months of the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the former US Army Intelligence Analyst serving 35-years for releasing classified information. Chelsea’s attorney Nancy Hollander, who spoke…

Obama grants clemency to Chelsea Manning & Oscar López Rivera

President Barack Obama has commuted the sentences of two high-profile prisoners. Chelsea Manning, who released a trove of U.S. documents to WikiLeaks to incite “worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms,” will be freed on May 17. Obama also commuted the sentence…

January 19-21: Bringing Love & Peace

We were appalled when President-elect Donald Trump nominated Jeff Sessions, a blatant racist, to be our next US Attorney General. Sessions opposes criminal justice reform, supports voter repression, and even voted against the Violence Against Women Act! As his confirmation…

The Deep State Wants to Deep Six Us

What do these pieces of evidence tell you? The United States and Russia each possess enough nuclear weapons to destroy all life on earth many times over. Pentagon officials say the cold war with Russia is for profit and bureaucracy.…

Imagine the Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of Peace

The idea has been floated and endlessly reintroduced in legislation since the founding of the United States of creating a Department of Peace. These efforts even resulted in 1986 in the creation of the USI”P” — the U.S. Institute of…

Trump, a catastrophe or a catalyst for change?

By Ana Carvallo With the nail-biting inauguration of January 20th rapidly approaching, many feel a gut-wrenching sense of unease at the prospect of an inexperienced, loud-mouthed and rather vulgar successor leading America into 2017. Of course, over here in Europe…

Slain Civil Rights Leader Medgar Evers Honored with Historic Landmark

The National Parks Service said Wednesday it will honor slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers by naming his former home as a National Historic Landmark. On June 12, 1963, Evers was assassinated in the driveway outside his home in Jackson,…

USA, March & Knit for Resistance

This January 21st we will march together with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families and in solidarity with those who were most insulted, marginalized, and threatened during the election cycle –…

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