
North America

The Choice Trump’s Budget Creates

Trump proposes to increase U.S. military spending by $54 billion, and to take that $54 billion out of the other portions of the above budget, including in particular, he says, foreign aid. If you can’t find foreign aid on the…

March 10th 2017, Native March on Washington DC

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Indigenous grassroots leaders call on our allies across the United States and around the world to peacefully March on Washington DC. We ask that you rise in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples across the world…

Open Guantanamo!

By David Swanson Antes des morirme quiero echar mis versos del alma. Open Guantanamo to human rights inspectors. Open its files to the public. Subpoena the witnesses to its horrors. Open the courts to its prisoners and try them or…

The U.S. Rejected Refugee Anne Frank—Let’s Not Make the Same Mistake Again

Anne Frank would be 87 years old had she not perished in Bergen-Belsen, a Nazi concentration camp in Germany. What words of wisdom might she offer the Trump administration as it crafts its latest iteration of its Muslim and refugee…

North Dakota: Police Raid Pipeline Resistance Camps, Arresting 33

In North Dakota, a heavily militarized police force on Thursday raided the main resistance camp set up by Lakota water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The camp was largely vacated ahead of an eviction deadline set one…

A Declaration of War on 11 Million People

The Trump administration wants to kick America’s deportation machine into high gear–but there have been important shows of resistance to build on, writes Danny Katch. THE DEPARTMENT of Homeland Security (DHS) released two memos on February 20 laying out measures…

Oliver Stone: “It’s not just Trump, but a system”

During the Writers Guild Awards on Sunday night the Oscar-winner director Oliver Stone received the Laurel Award and made a passionate speech as a message to young filmmakers. “You can be critical of your government and your society. You don’t…

Forced evacuation at Standing Rock

After North Dakota Republican Governor Doug Burgum issued executive orders to evacuate the Oceti Sakowin Camp at Standing Rock, setting as a deadline the afternoon of February 22nd , yesterday most of the activists left voluntarily among police in riot…

Trump Marks the End of a Cycle

By Roberto Savio Let us stop debating what newly-elected US President Trump is doing or might do and look at him in terms of historical importance. Put simply, Trump marks the end of an American cycle! Like it or not,…

Can The Climate Survive Electoral Democracy? May Be. Can It Survive Capitalism? No.

By Stan Cox Donald Trump plans to dismantle America’s already weak climate policy, potentially dooming not only this country but the entire world to runaway greenhouse warming. The day after Election Day 2016, star climate scientist Michael Mann was already…

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