
North America

Sami Parliament convinces Norwegian pension fund to divest from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Sami Parliament in Norway, which represents the indigenous Sami people, also known as Lapps in English, has convinced the second largest pension fund of the country, the public sector sign, to divest from companies linked to the controversial Dakota Access…

Trump’s Budget Counts on Us to Be Dumber Than He

By David Swanson Donald Trump does not always in every way appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed. Yet there is great wisdom to be found in some of his assumptions of stupidity on the part of the…

Hawaii Judge Blocks Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

On Wednesday, only hours before the Trump administration’s new travel ban was set to go into effect, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide halt to the executive order, which would have temporarily suspended refugees and people from six…

Interview with Kathleen Donohoe

By Jhon Sánchez A flight attendant looked at me in the eye and said, “Jhon Sánchez? We’ve been calling you for half hour. Your flight has already departed.” Irritated she shook her head and added, “Where were you? I didn’t…

Judges in Hawaii and Maryland Hear Arguments over New Travel Ban

Legal challenges to President Trump’s revised travel ban are mounting as the order is set to take effect at midnight tonight. Federal judges in both Hawaii and Maryland are slated to hear arguments today claiming the ban targets Muslims and…

The Problem With the CIA and Drones

Thanks to a recent Wall Street Journal article, I’ve been hearing from Democratic partisans that President Trump has done something brand new, and that it amounts to tearing up the War Powers Resolution by giving the CIA the power to…

Asking Foolish Questions about Serious Issues

By Richard Falk When the Clinton campaign started complaining about Russia interfering in US elections by hacking into the DNC I was struck by their excesses of outrage and the virtual absence of any acknowledgement that the United States has…

States File Federal Lawsuit to Halt Trump’s “Muslim Ban 2.0”

President Trump’s second attempt to ban refugees and travelers from six majority-Muslim countries got a fresh legal challenge Monday, when several states filed a joint challenge to the ban in federal court. The suit was filed by Washington state and…

The Dance of Death

By Chris Hedges The ruling corporate elites no longer seek to build. They seek to destroy. They are agents of death. They crave the unimpeded power to cannibalize the country and pollute and degrade the ecosystem to feed an insatiable…

Activists and Native Americans march on Washington amid rain, sleet and snow

On Friday March 10th 5,000 members of Native Americans tribes and their supporters – celebrities, environmental and peace activists, veterans, college students – marched on Washington, D.C.  amid bitter cold, rain, sleet, and snow, calling for Trump and the U.S. Congress…

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