
North America

Brad Pitt Does Stanley McChrystal: When Netflix’ War Movie Stops Being Funny

By David Swanson The new movie, War Machine, on Netflix starring Brad Pitt begins as a hilarious and satisfying mockery of General Stanley McChrystal, circa 2009, as well as of militarism in general. Hilarious because of the deadpan sincere idiocy.…

Exceptionalist Trump America Exits From Paris Agreement & Launches Neoliberal War on Terra

By Dr Gideon Polya An exceptionalist Trump America has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Change Agreement and thereby launched a neoliberal War on the Planet (Terra). The US has 4.4% of the world’s population but contributes more to annual global…

Trump Uses London Attack as Excuse to Call for Muslim Travel Ban

President Trump launched a tweet storm this morning and over the weekend calling for the courts to allow him to impose his Muslim travel ban, which would prohibit all refugees and citizens of six majority-Muslim countries from entering the United…

What will it take to ban the bomb?

By Frida Berrigan When I was a young teenager, I would venture down to the basement where my father had his desk. He’d be plugging away at letter writing, or working on a talk or article. I’d wait quietly by…

Trump Announces U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump announced Thursday he will withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord that was signed by nearly 200 nations in 2015 and heralded as a rare moment of international collaboration to avert imminent climate disaster.…

Open letter by the Water Protectors to President Donald Trump

We are Water Protectors who fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We are also engaged in struggles and movements on behalf of First Nations against fossil fuel projects that poison our land, water and damage the climate. We are…

Russia Calls House Bill an “Act of War.” Will the Senate Block H.R. 1644?

By Gar Smith Top Russian officials are concerned that a bill passed by the US Congress will do more than increase sanctions on North Korea. Moscow claims H.R. 1644 violates its sovereignty and constitutes an “act of war.” On May…

The Merkley-Sanders Climate Bill Isn’t a Launchpad. It’s Quicksand

By Stan Cox With the Trump administration poised to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a climate bill cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders and known as the “100 by ’50 Act” is sure to be back…

US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait

US Army lost track of $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait  A newly released declassified audit from the US Department of Defense shows that negligent accounting by the military has resulted in the Pentagon not knowing…

Teresa Gutierrez on Face 2 Face

On this show we speak with Teresa Gutierrez of the International Migrants Alliance and Co-Coordinator of the International Action Center. She shares with us her concern, as someone of Mexican origin, about the present administration and its discrimination against immigrants.…

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