
North America

In victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, court finds that approval of Dakota Access pipeline violated the law

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe won a significant victory in its fight to protect the Tribe’s drinking water and ancestral lands from the Dakota Access pipeline. A federal judge ruled that the federal permits authorizing the pipeline to cross the…

Standing Rock Sioux Wins Major Legal Victory Against Dakota Access Pipeline

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has won a major legal victory in federal court on Wednesday, which may have the power to force the shutdown of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. On Wednesday, District Judge James Boasberg ruled that…

Conversation with Patricia Smith

by Jhon Sánchez “The Year of the Needy Girls” by Patricia Smith is the kind of book I would give to my friend Jennifer. I’ve been a friend of Jennifer’s for three or four years now. Usually, I’m the only…

Leftism’s Moment

By David Swanson For the past many years and for many years to come, “extremism” has been unacceptable in U.S. politics. One must be in favor of more fossil fuel pipelines under certain strict conditions, not against them entirely. That…

Photos: New York’s Annual Puerto Rican Day parade.

Thousands matched despite a controversy over honoring a man who spent 35 years in prison for his involvement with a group responsible for bombings that killed or maimed dozens in the 1970s and 1980. Corporate sponsors dropped out of Sunday’s…

Dear Young People Who Laugh at Climate Deniers

By David Swanson Laughter is a wonderful thing. It’s hard to get too much of it. But there may be something even more valuable — something that you may be better able to grasp than some of your elders. When…

NYC Interfaith Iftar in Brooklyn Heights

By Michael Ishii‎ This evening a number of representatives from the DOR (New York Day of Remembrance)  Committee and other Asian orgs attended an Interfaith Iftar in Brooklyn Heights. The event was sponsored by the Interfaith Center of NY and…

James Comey’s Testimony

By Dr Binoy Kampmark “A man hears what he wants to hear And disregards the rest.” Simon and Garfunkel, “The Boxer” (1970) No one could say that Donald Trump has not made politics interesting.  In so doing, he may well…

It Would Be a Shame Not to Ask Comey These Questions About the FBI While He’s Under Oath

The punditocracy breathlessly focuses on the appearance of fired FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, declaring that not since Watergate has there been such must-watch testimony. The expectation, never explicitly declared but always hinted at,…

Justin Sight on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed Justin Sight, who was diagnosed legally blind without corrective means at age 10. Around this time he developed a fascination for the art of magic and performance and learned to take advantages of his disability…

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