
North America

Charlottesville Covers Confederate Statues with Black Fabric as Residents Demand Their Removal

In Charlottesville, Virginia, residents cheered and celebrated as workers covered two Confederate statues — one of General Robert E. Lee, and another of General Stonewall Jackson — with black fabric on Wednesday in order to mourn the death of Heather…

Face 2 Face with Willa France

On this show we speak with Willa France  concerning the significance of Trump’s “ban” on Transgender service members and continue the discussion with Willa’s relationship to poetry and writing.

The Peace Monument the United States Needs

Washington, D.C., needs a three-dimensional, sculptural Guernica dedicated to and with explanatory information about the victims of U.S. bombings in over 30 countries that the United States has bombed. And it needs such a monument to the victims of wars…

Trump gives military green light to escalate Afghanistan war

By Patrick Martin President Donald Trump announced a major escalation of the US war in Afghanistan in a nationally televised speech Monday night, although he gave no details either about the number of additional troops that will be sent or…

University of Texas in Austin Removes 3 Confederate Monuments

In the United States, Confederate statues continue to fall amid nationwide protests against white supremacy and the monuments celebrating the U.S. legacy of slavery and racism. The University of Texas at Austin has removed three statues of Confederate leaders. In…

Charlottesville to Keep Only Non-Racist War Monuments

Under the new policy just announced in Charlottesville, Virginia, the city will be taking down all but the non-racist war monuments and memorials in all of its public spaces. Three monuments to the Confederate war, fought to maintain slavery —…

Note To Colleagues At My New School Focusing On The Myth Of American Innocence

The missive below was sent to my colleagues at Point Arena Community Charter School in Calfiornia, U.S.A. They are preparing to blend their theme for the year (Mythology, Magic and Mystery) with the curriculum. Parents will also be made privy…

Tens of Thousands March Against White Supremacy in Boston & Other U.S. Cities

Massive protests against white supremacy spread across the United States over the weekend, as tens of thousands of people took to the streets from coast to coast to condemn violent white nationalist groups and to call for the removal of…

Berlin Stands with Charlottesville

Hundreds of Berliners gathered yesterday at the solidarity demonstration Berlin Stands with Charlottesville at the Brandenburg gate in front of the US embassy. The spontaneous event was organised by local left-wing groups. The participants expressed their solidarity with the murdered…

John Kelly is no “moderate”

There’s a new sheriff-wannabe in the White House. Danny Katch looks at his record. SINCE TAKING over as the White House chief of staff two weeks ago, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly has won praise in the media for trying…

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