
North America

Mumia Abu Jamal: Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?

A Review by Denise Sullivan, Following the shocking back-to-back police murders of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castille outside St. Paul in July of 2016, author and activist Mumia Abu-Jamal responded with what seemed to be an uncharacteristic…

The Democrat should Build a Human Shield to Protect the DREAMers

In a few days, the Trump’s administration will announce whether it will choose to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which would put in jeopardy the future of thousands of undocumented immigrant youth. President Obama created DACA…

Los Angeles to Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day

The Los Angeles City Council voted Wednesday to eliminate Columbus Day from the city’s calendar and replace it with an annual holiday marking Indigenous Peoples Day, in an acknowledgement of the genocide that took place as European powers colonized the…

Hell Hath No Fury Like Mother Earth Scorned

Hurricane-turned-Tropical Storm Harvey unleashed the fury of a warming planet on the Gulf Coast of Texas this week, leaving hundreds of thousands displaced and homeless, thousands languishing in crowded shelters, and killing at least 28 people. It is projected to…

Conversation with Jean Willoughby

By Jhon Sanchez I have a sore throat, a cold, for sure. If I were in Colombia, my mother would be looking for herbs in her kitchen garden, or probably she would go out to the local market to find…

Charlottesville’s Past That Isn’t Even

Here in Charlottesville, Virginia, I like to point out that the rallies of racists are mostly imported from out of state. It’s tempting to relax comfortably on that assertion, and to reflect on how our great lord and master Thomas…

World Relief Urges Swift Congressional Action to Protect Individuals with DACA Status

Recent news reports suggest that President Trump is seriously considering the termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which since 2012 has allowed approximately 800,000 young people who came to the United States as children to obtain…

Why are the crucial questions about Hurricane Harvey not being asked?

By George Monbiot for The Guardian It is not only Donald Trump’s government that censors the discussion of climate change; it is the entire body of polite opinion. This is why, though the links are clear and obvious, most reports…

Civil Advocacy Groups Denounce Trump’s Pardon Of Shariff Arpaio

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Civil rights groups and Democrats Friday condemned President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of disobeying a court verdict ordering his agency to stop racially profiling Latinos. House Minority…

The Endless War in Afghanistan Just Got Longer

We have two presidents in the United States: The “real Donald Trump” and “teleprompter Trump.” Real Trump speaks, and tweets, his mind. Teleprompter Trump reads speeches prepared for him, delivered in a strained manner that has been likened to a…

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