
North America

100+ Rally to Support Gothamist Journalists Fired for Unionizing

In New York City, more than 100 people protested against billionaire Joe Ricketts’s decision to shut down the news outlets Gothamist and DNAinfo, one week after the newsrooms voted to unionize. Emma Whitford: “My name is Emma Whitford. I’ve been—I…

Call for an international ban on the weaponization of artificial intelligence

This week, members of the Artificial Intelligence research community exhorted the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, to join the international call to ban lethal autonomous weapons that remove meaningful human control in the deployment of lethal force. An open…

The free speech of fools

Danny Katch offers some remedial lessons about the meaning of free speech to the University of Florida administration following Nazi Richard Spencer’s appearance. HERE’S A multiple-choice quiz–choose between the following definitions of “freedom of speech: A: An important civil liberty…

Congressional Budget Office: US Nuclear Forces To Cost $1.2 Trillion over 30 Years

Modernization bill estimated at $400 billion; operations $800 billion Guesstimated future costs discounted for inflation; current-dollar figure much higher On the 31st of October, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its 73-page of the future costs of maintaining and modernizing…

Women of Standing Rock: Working together as human beings, sharing the planet and the future

Standing Rock has become a worldwide symbol of nonviolent yet firm resistance to highly damaging extraction projects. These projects not only contribute to global warming by continuing to burn fossil fuels and release harmful emissions into the atmosphere, but also…

Fingerprints Of Islamic State On New York Attack

By Nauman Sadiq Eight people have been killed and more than a dozen injured after a truck mowed down people on a bike path in Lower Manhattan. FBI is treating the incident as an act of terrorism and the driver…

Face 2 Face with David Okada

On this show we speak with David Okada, co-President of the NY chapter of the Japanese-American Citizens League concerning the #SaveTuleLake campaign and the effort to have Fred Korematsu Day established in NYC.

Amnesty International Joins Call to End Immigrant Family Detentions

Human rights campaigners rallied outside the White House Monday, calling on the Trump administration to release children and their parents from the Berks County Residential Center in Pennsylvania, where families are imprisoned as they seek asylum in the U.S. Protesters…

How Peace Studies Can Help End Wars

By David Swanson Remarks at Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference in Birmingham, Alabama, October 28, 2017. Thank you for inviting me. Can everyone who thinks that war is never, and can never be, justified please raise your hand. Thank…

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

“I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore.” Helen Reddy sang those words in 1972, providing an anthem to the rising women’s movement. Forty-five years later, the song could serve as the score to a movie…

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