
North America

Face 2 Face with Anaclara Valdes

On this show we speak with Anaclara Valdes concerning the challenges facing the indigenous community in Argentina. The Mapuches claim part of the Benetton-owned land as ancestral territory and the conflict has often erupted into large protests.

FCC Commissioner Begs Nation To Stop GOP Colleagues From Killing Net Neutrality

By Andrea Germanos After one commissioner called the FCC’s newly-released plan to roll back net neutrality “worse than one could imagine,” a second commissioner is now calling voters to make sure the proposal by Republican Chairman Ajit Pai does not go through. In a Los…

Global Divestment: Interview with Women’s March Barcelona

Day 2 of #16DaysOfGlobal — Today we are sharing the work Women’s March Barcelona has done in the area of Global Divestment. We interviewed Cecilia Gomez-Engler, an organiser with Women’s March Barcelona about the work they have done and how people can be involved…

US American and European activists join to face the global escalation of the refugee crisis

This Tuesday a public discussion took place in the Heilig Kreuz Kirche in Berlin with several NGOs and faith-based groups from the USA and Europe, that subscribed to a joint declaration in 2016 as an answer to the global escalation…

Face 2 Face with Georgina Bates

On this show we speak with Georgina Bates director and choreographer of “Somehow We End Up Here, Again”. Georgina collaborates with journalist Jihii Jolly, documentarian Diana Diroy, and others on a timely mixed-media dance theater work exploring life under the…

Why are Police in the USA so Terrified?

In a recent incident in the United States, yet another unarmed man was shot dead by police after opening his front door in response to their knock. The police were going to serve an arrest warrant on a domestic violence…

Norway May Divest $35 Billion from Fossil Fuel Holdings

The fossil fuel divestment movement got a major boost on Thursday when the Norwegian government announced it is considering selling off $35 billion in oil and gas stocks. Norway would become by far the largest entity to join the divestment…

Impeach! A Letter From Michael Moore

It is time to remove this dangerous man from office. I have just signed the “Need To Impeach” petition initiated by Tom Steyer of California. Over two million other Americans have also signed it. And that number keeps growing every hour. We…

Armistice Day & Remembrance Day: Finding and Keeping Hold of Always Elusive Peace in the World

By Jerome Irwin The world has just honored yet another Armistice Day – Remembrance Day – Veterans Day for all those who lost their lives in armed defense of their nation’s right to exist and remain a free people. Nation’s…

Time for Truth and Reconciliation for the US and Russia

By Alice Slater NATO’s recent provocative decision to build up its military forces across Europe by sending four new multinational battalions to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland, comes at a time of great turmoil and intense questioning of global security…

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