
North America

Largest Ever Settlement With City in Illegal Hotel Case

Owner to pay City $1.2 million in penalties and appoint a property manager to ensure lawful operation of buildings The Mayor’s Office of Special Enforcement won the largest ever settlement with the City in an illegal hotel nuisance abatement case,…

Conversation with Billy Lawrence

By Jhon Sánchez, I met Billy Lawrence in 2002 while attending Southampton College. Billy, Will to his classmates, was taking MFA classes even though he was an undergraduate student. I think we both took Beginning the Novel, French and Russian…

The Lenape Center: A New Year’s Message about Peace

Peace is not only the absence of violence nor is it only stability in one’s life or society. The absence of war does not preclude self-destruction nor does the absence of violence at home blossom only from healthy relationships. The…

Billionaires, Fiscal Paradise, the World’s Debt, and the Victims

By Roberto Savio Among Bloomberg’s many profitable activities there is a convenient Bloomberg Billionaires Index, which has just published its findings for 2017. It covers only the 500 richest people, and it proudly announces that they have increased their wealth…

How It Could Finally Be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime

By David Swanson War is a crime. The International Criminal Court has just announced that it will finally treat it as a crime, sort-of, kind-of. But how can war’s status as a crime effectively deter the world’s leading war-maker from threatening and…

Another Victory over the Blockade, despite the U.S., in 2017

By Laura Becquer Paseiro* Havana (Prensa Latina) This year, the United States adopted again a stance that was believed to be a thing of the past: it voted at the United Nations against Cuba”s resolution condemning the economic, commercial and…

A 2018, Republican Corporate Tax Cut Plan, Future of the World Prediction

By Jerome Irwin It doesn’t take a mystic to look into a crystal ball to realize that America’s new draconian corporate tax cut scam now is not only the greatest financial heist and political con to be committed in recent…

Confederate Statues Removed from Public Parks in Memphis

In Memphis, Tennessee, statues of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and former Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest have been removed following a campaign led by a group called Take ’Em Down 901. On Wednesday night, the Memphis City Council…

Face 2 Face with Tom Cayler

On this show we speak with Tom Cayler, chairman of the Illegal Hotel Committee for Manhattan’s West Side Neighborhood Alliance. The committee works against landlords who push people out to convert their apartments into illegal hotel rooms, and thus decreasing…

Oh For Godsake, Leave Jill Stein Alone

By David Swanson I’ve known Jill Stein for years. I knew weeks ago that the Senate “Intelligence” Committee was coming after her. I set up this petition to put reasonable limits on Russiagate. But I’ve not heard from Jill, nor…

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