
North America

The Post should be viewed by current editors of The Post

I was afraid that The Post would give us a Hollywood film version of the publication of the Pentagon Papers and manage never to say what was in the Pentagon Papers. I was afraid it would be turned into a…

The Trials of Africa and the Real Dr. King They Want Us to Forget

On January 15, millions of Americans commemorated Martin Luther King’s Day. His famous speech, ‘I Have a Dream’ was repeated numerous times in media outlets as a reminder of the evil of racism, which is being resurrected in a most…

Urgently Needed—A BROAD Outpouring in Support of Immigrants!

Millions of immigrants, including 800,000 DACA recipients (“Dreamers,” undocumented immigrants brought here as children), were betrayed and dealt a very serious blow today when the Democrats caved in to the Republicans and voted to reopen the government. Already last Friday,…

Worker cooperatives offer real alternatives to Trump’s retrograde economic vision

By Sarah Aziza January 23, 2018 for Waging Nonviolence Announcing his presidency in 2016, Donald Trump promised the nation that he’d become “the greatest job president God ever created.” His plan to accomplish this rested on a retrograde economic vision…

Worker Cooperatives Offer Real Alternatives to Trump’s Retrograde Economic Vision

By Sarah Aziza Announcing his presidency in 2016, Donald Trump promised the nation that he’d become “the greatest job president God ever created.” His plan to accomplish this rested on a retrograde economic vision that would “make America great again,”…

The Democrats Caved. Now we Have to Act.

Popular support for immigrant justice measures like DACA is overwhelming, but the Democrats once again capitulated to Republican hostage-taking. By Danny Katch NOW WE know how long Democratic Party leaders are willing to fight against an unpopular racist president, in…

Face 2 Face with David Moscovich

On this show we speak with David Moscovich author of “You Are Make Very Important Bathtime” (JEF Books, 2013) and “LIFE+70[Redacted]” (Lit Fest Press, 2016.), a print version of the single most expensive literary e-book to ever be hacked.

We Need A Martin Luther King Day Of Truth

By Edward Curtin As Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated with a national holiday, his death day disappears down the memory hole. Across the country – in response to the King Holiday and Service Act passed by Congress and signed…

Leaked Trump Nuclear Posture Review aims to continue Obama weapons modernization, with significant tweaks

By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group. Aims to Restore Nuclear-tipped Cruise Missiles on Some Attack Submarines Calls for Low-Yield Submarine Ballistic Missile Warhead Option Ends “Interoperable” Warhead Program Retains 1.2 Megaton Bomb A leaked “pre-decisional” copy of…

Leaked Trump Nuclear Posture Review aims to continue Obama weapons modernization, with significant tweaks

By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group. Aims to Restore Nuclear-tipped Cruise Missiles on Some Attack Submarines Calls for Low-Yield Submarine Ballistic Missile Warhead Option Ends “Interoperable” Warhead Program Retains 1.2 Megaton Bomb A leaked “pre-decisional” copy of…

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