
North America

Putin’s State of the Union

The military/security complex and the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony have proved sufficiently powerful to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. If push comes to shove, how can any country hosting US ABMs, US nuclear weapons, and US military bases…

Blockchain Will Upend Big Medicine

Posted on: Monday, February 26th 2018 at 1:45 pm Written By: James Grundvig The original article, copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018, can be found here. Here are GreenMedInfo Re-post guidelines Translated into Italian in two parts: here and here  …

How Uncle Sam launders marijuana money

The government accepts marijuana money for taxes… The government makes a massive profit off the deal, snatching up to 70 percent of the proceeds of the reporting businesses, as opposed to the more typical rate of 30 percent … [since they] are not…

Why China Is Running Circles Around America

Rather than regarding China as a national security threat and putting our resources into rebuilding our military defenses, we might get further ahead by studying its successful economic policies and adapting them to rebuild our own crumbling roads and bridges…

Europe’s big Plans for Iran Trade announce Independence from Trump’s Washington

France, Belgium, Italy and other European countries are setting up state-backed Euro-denominated investment and trade pipelines that avoid US currency and banks. Italy alone is planning to invest $5 bn in Iran. By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Feb. 26, 2018…

Sociopathy Compounded by Stupidity Shows the Way Forward!

By David Swanson The Charlottesville Daily Progress has published a version of an editorial by the Richmond Times Dispatch that points the way to peace and prosperity! It begins: “When it comes to federal defense spending, Virginia ranks No. 1. Defense dollars account for one-third of…

As Students Demand Gun Control, Arms Manufacturers Continue Targeting “Next Generation of Shooters”

“Even As a Student Movement Rises, Gun Manufacturers Are Targeting Young People” In Parkland, Florida, students returned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Sunday afternoon for the first time inside their school since February 14, when a 19-year-old former…

Strategy of tension: Italy 70s? No, U.S.A. 2000s!

Too many massacres are known in advance of the actual event. The media dismisses those who ask the obvious questions as conspiracy kooks. Instead, once again we get a pre-prepared story. Many Americans are so brainwashed and so gullible that they are…

Next Stage Of Net Neutrality Conflict Begins

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers On Thursday, the FCC’s net neutrality rule was published in the Federal Register. This was the official start of the next phase of the campaign to protect the open Internet as a common carrier…

Can You Give Two Days to Stop the Slaughter?

By David Swanson The power of mass demonstrations to mobilize activism and move those in positions of power is minimized, first and foremost, by those opposed to popular power. Do not listen to them. Make them listen to us! Can…

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