
North America

Oliver North Is The New President Of The NRA

By Danny Katch The NRA peddles conspiracy theories about shadowy “big government” thugs coming to take its members’ guns away — but its new president is notorious for actually being a deep-state conspirator, writes Danny Katch. WHEN THE National Rifle Association…

In ‘Blistering’ Report, journalism watchdog condemns DNC lawsuit against WikiLeaks as severe threat to Free Press

By Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams “Imagine if Trump had the power to go after ‘leakers’ for ‘conspiracy.’ As President Donald Trump continues to wage war on journalism with “violent anti-press rhetoric,” the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) published a…

Mass Shootings In The U.S. – An Historical Perspective

By Dr Arshad M Khan A week ago on May 18, 10 students were killed and 13 wounded at Santa Fe High school just south of Houston, within its metropolitan area.  The shooter was a student who, as can now…

Memorial Day THIS

“Memorial Day is a time to remember, appreciate, and honor the selfless patriots who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to freedom. At a time when our country seems so divided, we must not forget that it is because of…

New War Opponents

By David Swanson For those of us who fully expected most U.S. peace activists to vanish once Barack Obama became president but expected them to come back once Donald Trump ascended the throne, the failure of our second expectation has…

First-person Shooter Games, the US Military, and Serial Killers

By Pat Elder, Both Nik Cruz, the Parkland shooter, and Dimitri Dimitrios Pagourtzis, the Santa Fe shooter, were emotionally distraught because of girls who rejected their advances. They were both outcasts in their respective high schools. They both played video…

Face 2 Face with Anthony Donovan

On this show we speak with Anthony Donovan, director of the documentary Good Thinking (Those Who’ve Tried to Halt Nuclear Weapons)​. We discuss​ the present moment ​and ​recent good news​ concerning ​nuclear ​disarmament, such as ICAN ​receiving the 2017 Nobel…

Stop the war on Iran now!

By Farhang Jahanpour, TFF Board Speaking at the Heritage Foundation this morning, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo practically declared war on Iran. His unprecedented threats against Iran went even beyond what President Trump had said in the past. Commenting…

Divest From BlackRock! May 23 In New York City

On Wednesday morning, May 23 2018 in New York City, the annual shareholder’s meeting of BlackRock, the shadowy but gigantic “too big to fail” financial conglomerate that profited from the Wall Street crash of 2007/2008 and has been profiting for…

8 Students & 2 Teachers Killed in Shooting Rampage at Santa Fe, TX High School

In Santa Fe, Texas, funerals have begun for the victims of Friday’s school shooting massacre at Santa Fe High School, where eight students and two teachers were killed in the Friday morning rampage. The killings began around 8 a.m., when…

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