
North America

Trump Signs Executive Order to Jail Immigrant Families Together, Without Limit

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday claiming to end the separation of children from their parents at the border, by jailing them together while their legal cases wind through the courts. The order does not say where the families…

Protests are mounting over the Trump administration’s practice of forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents

Hundreds of protesters gathered in cities across the country Tuesday—including in San Francisco; New York City; Philadelphia; El Paso, Texas; Washington, D.C.; and Portland, Oregon—to denounce the practice of separating immigrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, in…

Trump’s war on children is an act of state terrorism

Henry Giroux, McMaster University for The Conversation State terrorism comes in many forms, but one of its most cruel and revolting expressions is when it is aimed at children. Separating children from their parents is indeed a form of terrorism…

Why Are the Poor Patriotic?

By David Swanson We should be very grateful to Francesco Duina for his new book, Broke and Patriotic: Why Poor Americans Love Their Country. He begins with the following dilemma. The poor in the United States are in many ways worse…

Trump Is Destroying Lives of Immigrants, the Way Hitler Destroyed Lives of Jews.

By Partha Banerjee Against any common decency, ethics, and morality, let alone due process and legal procedures, Trump and his administration is destroying lives of poor immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico borders, by separating children from their parents. This is unheard…

Judges sentence youth offenders to chess, with promising results

Monique Sedgwick, University of Lethbridge; Jeffrey MacCormack, University of Lethbridge, and Lance Grigg, University of Lethbridge for The Conversation Since January 2018, every Friday afternoon, one campus classroom in Canada is transformed. Tables are set up with two chairs facing…

What does the (s)election of Ivan Duque in Colombia mean for Latin America and the Caribbean?

The historical perspective Exactly one hundred years ago, Marco Fidel Suarez took over the presidency of Colombia and coined the foreign policy guidelines called Respice Polum (“Let’s look at the pole” or “towards the North”) or the Suarez Doctrine. Since…

The Kings Bay Plowshares 7

Reprinted with permission from The Catholic Worker, Mary House, NYC for the July 2018 issue. By Amanda Daloisio On April 4th, 2018, seven activists entered the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in St. Mary’s, Georgia. Their destination included the Strategic…

What Else Canadians Should Be Sorry For — Besides Burning the White House

By David Swanson, Six-years after the British landing at Jamestown, with the settlers struggling to survive and hardly managing to get their own local genocide underway, these new Virginians hired mercenaries to attack Acadia and (fail to) drive the French…

Donald Trump was right. The rest of the G7 were wrong

He gets almost everything wrong. But last weekend Donald Trump got something right. To the horror of the other leaders of the rich world, he defended democracy against its detractors. Perhaps predictably, he has been universally condemned for it. His…

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