
North America

Watch Out World: Peace May be Breaking Out!!

By Alice Slater, World BEYOND War Less than a week or so before Donald Trump’s groundbreaking meeting planned with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, to take place after the NATO summit in mid-July, the new Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear…

Separating Children: Making America Hate Again

Summer days are long and hot in the Rio Grande Valley, the verdant flood plain that stretches 100 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, from McAllen to Brownsville. This is the epicenter of President Donald Trump’s self-created immigrant family…

The New Abolitionism

Danny Katch explains why the spread of the “Abolish ICE” demand not only makes sense in Trumpian times, but offers a welcome way forward for immigrant justice. THE EXPLOSION of protests against the horrors of separating refugee families has put a…

Trump using separated children to force “voluntary” deportations

By Alec Andersen A new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) document released by NBC News Monday has exposed the cynical effort by the Trump administration to use a court-ordered “family reunification” process to force immigrant parents with separated children into…

California Dreaming: Cannabis Cash, Public Banks—and the State’s Own Mini-Fed?

by Ellen Brown originally posted on Truthdig, 03/07/2018   Spurred by the heavily cash-reliant cannabis industry, Los Angeles residents will be the first in the country to vote on a public banking mandate, after the City Council agreed on June 29…

Craig Murray: No need For NATO

A NATO summit approaches that brings Donald Trump to Europe and then on to these shores, and brings the usual clamour for more of the taxpayers’ money to be given to arms manufacturers. Yet NATO is a demonstrably useless institution.…

Washington Moves Against Rafael Correa

by Paul Craig Roberts, July 4, 2018 the original article can be found here   As President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa was a Godsend for the Ecuadorian people, for Latin American independence and for WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange. By serving justice and…

Face 2 Face with Stefano Cecere

On this special show we speak with Stefano Cecere, ​who is ​participating ​in the 2018 Games for Change Festival at the New School. We ​talk about the festival​ and​ the development of video and educati​onal​ game​s​ that are part of…

End Family Separation NYC Rally and March

Tens of thousands of protesters shuffled across the Brooklyn Bridge after more than 2,700 undocumented children have been separated from their parents when the zero-tolerance policy was put into effect by the Trump administration. The rally began at Foley Square in…

As interest in Democratic Socialism surges, Ocasio-Cortez explains to Colbert what a ‘moral’ economy would look like

“I believe that in a modern, moral, and wealthy society, no person in America should be too poor to live.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams Since Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning primary win over Rep. Joe Crowley (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday,…

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