
North America

How America Can Free Itself From Wall Street

By Ellen Brown First published on Truthdig, Oct. 02, 2018.   Wall Street owns the country. That was the opening line of a fiery speech that populist leader Mary Ellen Lease delivered around 1890. Franklin Roosevelt said it again in a letter to Colonel House…

Delusion Upon Fantasy Upon Lie Based on Propaganda

Read this headline: “To Avoid Repeating Catastrophic Mistake of Iraq Invasion, Senate Bill Would Forbid Attack on Iran Without Congressional Approval.” Consider these facts: The Senate voted to let Bush attack Iraq. So did the House. The pair of them continue…

Face 2 Face with Javier Enriquez

On this show we speak with Javier Enriquez about his book Searching for My Indigena. Javier describes the historical contributions of, and discrimination faced by, indigenous people in the US as well as their ongoing struggles in Central and South…

Women’s March Global Announces 3rd Annual March on January 19, 2019

Outraged and organised, six million women and allies will once again take the streets of Washington and cities around the world marching for women’s and humans rights In light of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony of sexual assault and a…

Women’s Bodies Should Not Be a Battleground

The mounting allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, demand a thorough FBI investigation, not a rush to judgment. To date, three women have made serious allegations about abusive and potentially criminal behavior…

Washington amplifies war threats against Iran, bullies the world

By Keith Jones US President Donald Trump used his second day of high-profile appearances at the United Nations Wednesday to amplify Washington’s war-threats against Iran and bully countries around the world. At a UN Security Council session ostensibly devoted to…

Feeding Militarism: The US Imperial Consensus

By Dr Binoy Kampmark The US military industrial complex reigns like a ravenous ruler in search of new funding prospects. It has done well this year, with the Trump administration pushing the sale that the imperium needs more ruddy cash…

Casting Kavanaugh: The Trump Supreme Court Drama

by Dr Binoy Kampmark —September 21, 2018 Stage set Washington.  Object: adulterating power.  The arm of government: the judiciary.  That particular group of high ranking paladins remains up in the air as US Supreme Court appointee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh…

Hurricane Florence Blows Open Harsh Realities of American Inequality

Wendy Newton and Nicolette Green didn’t have to die. Trapped in the back of a sheriff’s van in rural South Carolina, the two mental health patients in their mid-40s were being transported when their van was flooded following Hurricane Florence.…

On International Day of Democracy, International Leaders Call for More Open Public Institutions

Published on and provided by NYU Tandon School of Engineering and The Governance Lab. Sept. 13, 2018  — As the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Democracy on September 15 with its theme of “Democracy Under Strain,” The Governance Lab (The GovLab) at the…

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