
North America

The Silver Bullet to Stop the Corporate State Pillage

by Lee Camp1 originally posted on Truthdig This column is based on a monologue Lee Camp wrote and performed on his TV show “Redacted Tonight”   Every year a certain number of our soldiers decide they’d rather not be involved…

Ex-U.S. Presidents Reject Trump’s Statement on Border Wall

Washington, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) U.S. President Donald Trump quoted alleged support from his predecessors for the border wall he wants to build on the Mexican frontier, but at least three ex-presidents have so far rejected the veracity of that…

Good Cop/Bad Cop: The US and Russia Show

By Dan Corjescu —January 8, 2019 There may have been a time when the US and Russia were serious geopolitical rivals. That time has long since passed. Now, the two “nations” (elite controlled entities masquerading as a res publica) play the…

Giuliani Says Assange Should Not Be Prosecuted

Donald Trump’s lawyer said on Monday that WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange should not be prosecuted and he compared WikiLeaks publications to the Pentagon Papers. By Joe Lauria Originally published on Consortium News   Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for President Donald Trump,…

Street vending is legal in Los Angeles after a decade of organizing

By Adolf Alzuphar and Ivy Beach Street vending was legalized in Los Angeles on Jan. 1, marking an important victory for economic and immigrant justice in the city. This comes after statewide decriminalization through the Safe Sidewalk Vending Act, or…

Five things the shutdown shows us about 2019

By Danny Katch, THE ERA of divided government began with the continuation of a ridiculous and destructive government shutdown caused by a president who seemingly cares only about impressing a hateful right wing minority obsessed with the symbolism of building…

Has Bait and Switch Become a Trump Signature?

By Dr Arshad M Kha, People voted for Donald Trump under the assumption, Mexico would be paying for your border wall.  They why should the people pay now in this bait-and-switch game, when hardly any of their concerns are being…

Thanks Mr Trump for showing what a Brexit “shutdown” would look like

Weeks into Trump’s border wall tantrum “talks were due but as the nation digested the president’s rambling, contradictory and combative remarks at a White House press conference on Friday, potentially devastating effects of the shutdown were coming into focus. The Supplemental…

March 30: a call for US mobilization to oppose NATO, war, and racism

We publish below the call to participate in a rally against NATO, war and racism in Washington DC, USA on the 30th of March, 2019.  The campaign website can be found here, where both individuals and organisations can register their…

Face 2 Face with Laurie Loewenstein

On this show we speak with Laurie Loewenstein, author of Death of a Rainmaker, an historical fiction murder mystery set in the 1930s Dust Bowl. The book portrays the effects of the Depression and a drought as the protagonist tries…

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